Saturday, August 8, 2015


Well, my participation in Markus Rothkranz's Raw Weight Loss Contest didn't last long. I think it was day two when I had some beans and steamed potatoes which felt like a "cheat" meal and it went downhill from there. I'm sure there have been people who make the decision to go raw and instantly stop the junk food, the pasta, pizza, and other cooked food, but from where I'm at that's like leaping over the Grand Canyon!

Ironically, as I'm writing this post I'm munching on a big bowl of cantaloupe which is delicious. Raw fruits and veggies are a part of my diet, I just need to make it more of what I eat and eliminate the junk food - like the potato chips I snacked on last night.

I can definitely tell a difference when I eat raw versus the chemical-filled food. I drank a couple cups of coffee this week (with artificial sugar and non-dairy creamer) and had a lower backache for two days, which was probably the start of a kidney infection. I drank some cranberry juice last night and woke up this morning with no lower back pain - what a powerful reminder of the healing power of fruit!

I have also been incredibly tired the past couple months which I absolutely hate, but has it been enough pain and disgust to keep me away from the chips and cereal? No! It's the most baffling thing to me. It seems like it would be a no-brainer to eat the food that makes me feel better. I am becoming more aware of what triggers junk food cravings. I mostly eat junk food when it's around and when I'm stressed. It's when my willpower is depleted like an overdrawn bank account. Awareness helps me to stay strong and make healthier choices. Having fresh fruit and veggies around helps. Putting the junk food out of sight helps. I just need to stay in a state of awareness.

Challenges like Markus Rothkranz and Fully Raw Kristina do helps me even if I don't stick with the program. It creates the awareness I need to get back on track and keeps me focused on the advantages of fresh fruit and vegetables as well as the mind, body, spirit connection to health and wellness.

RAW is where the ENERGY (my focus word for 2015) is at. That is my awareness.

Kathy G

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