Monday, February 27, 2017

AYURVEDA - First Stop on My Gut Healing Journey

I listen to podcasts while I sleep. I often wake up two to three times a night anyway, so I thought why not feed my mind positive information along the way. Last night when I woke up, JJ Virgin was interviewing Amish Shah who gave up his lavish lifestyle to practice Ayurveda to heal his mind, body and soul. Amish captured my attention right away when he said he gave up his material things to focus on his health. I find it fascinating that after achieving financial success that we find it doesn't bring us the most important things we seek in life which is health and happiness. 

Amish defined Ayurveda as "Life Knowledge". I have heard the word Ayurveda many times before, but until now it has not been on my radar. Amish talked about how Ayurveda can help heal the body of inflammation which is exactly what I need. He reminded us of what Hippocrates said thousands of years ago, "All diseases begins in the gut." 

So, I'm going to check out Amish's website and works in hope of some guidance on how to cure this "raging fire" in my body! If you have inflammation, maybe Ayurveda can help you too! 

Thursday, February 23, 2017

The Fat Lady Sings

Today is my 54th birthday. It was a nice day. I went for a walk at my favorite park with my husband, granddaughter and niece, then went to my favorite restaurant (Golden Corral because they have lots of veggies). Then, my husband showed me a picture he posted on his Facebook page where he was trying to be funny by wishing me a happy 60th birthday. Upon seeing my bloated self in the picture, my mood immediately changed from enjoying the moment to disbelief. My mind flooded with thoughts... I don't even recognize myself. I look pregnant. What happened to me!

I could swear on a stack of bibles that I don't eat that much, but no one would believe me, not even me! What is going on? Why am I so swollen?! How can I get my body back?! It makes me want to cringe and cry at the same time.

What am I doing about it? Well, for one thing I cut way back on my hours at work. I went from working 40-60 hours a week to 20 hours a week. I may pay the price financially, but sitting so much is taking a big toll on my health. I believe the saying that sitting is the new smoking! I am moving more including the hour and a half hike I did that led to the picture. I just have to stay consistent with it. That has been my biggest obstacle.

The photo is definitely a wake up call. Not only the photo, but the hike itself. I was so thankful the park had benches scattered throughout the trail so I could sit and catch my breath. I made a game out of it with my five year old granddaughter where our goal was to get to the next bench!

So, here I am making myself a birthday promise to take better care of myself. I know I have to so I can be around for my family. It is time for the fat lady to sing!