Thursday, February 23, 2017

The Fat Lady Sings

Today is my 54th birthday. It was a nice day. I went for a walk at my favorite park with my husband, granddaughter and niece, then went to my favorite restaurant (Golden Corral because they have lots of veggies). Then, my husband showed me a picture he posted on his Facebook page where he was trying to be funny by wishing me a happy 60th birthday. Upon seeing my bloated self in the picture, my mood immediately changed from enjoying the moment to disbelief. My mind flooded with thoughts... I don't even recognize myself. I look pregnant. What happened to me!

I could swear on a stack of bibles that I don't eat that much, but no one would believe me, not even me! What is going on? Why am I so swollen?! How can I get my body back?! It makes me want to cringe and cry at the same time.

What am I doing about it? Well, for one thing I cut way back on my hours at work. I went from working 40-60 hours a week to 20 hours a week. I may pay the price financially, but sitting so much is taking a big toll on my health. I believe the saying that sitting is the new smoking! I am moving more including the hour and a half hike I did that led to the picture. I just have to stay consistent with it. That has been my biggest obstacle.

The photo is definitely a wake up call. Not only the photo, but the hike itself. I was so thankful the park had benches scattered throughout the trail so I could sit and catch my breath. I made a game out of it with my five year old granddaughter where our goal was to get to the next bench!

So, here I am making myself a birthday promise to take better care of myself. I know I have to so I can be around for my family. It is time for the fat lady to sing!

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