Thursday, March 9, 2017

Stop Sugar Cravings

I ate clean all day, then when I got home I ate a Nutty Bar (one of my favorite sweet treats) and instantly felt so sick and weak that I had to lay down. I'm not sure why that happened, but I'm thinking it was because of Marcus Rothkranz' sugar-blocker Trim-Force that I took earlier in the day. I was looking for something to stop my sugar cravings long enough to get the sugar out of my system and I watched a video where Marcus talked about his herbal supplement and said, "I dare ya" to try it. I didn't even need a double dare. I trust Marcus and if he says his product will help curb cravings, I'm willing to give it a try so I can get control of life! The thing I forgot to do was to put the Trim-Force powder on the tip of my tongue before eating the chocolate to stop the craving instantly.

After about an hour I felt better, then right before bed I ate a brownie. I know better. I wish my willpower was strong enough to overcome the temptation that surrounds me, but I know that chocolate and junk food in the house is like an alcoholic hanging out at a bar. I know I need to get rid of it, but I have a hard time throwing away food, even junk food. That happens when you eat water gravy as a kid because there is no food in the house. I would like to box up all the junk food and send it to the "man cave" where it's not within reach when I'm tired or stressed because that's when I'm most vulnerable to eating junk food. Sending the junk food to the man cave actually sounds like a great idea. I think I'll do that during spring break when I have some time off work.

Markus Rothkranz' video where he talks about Trim-Force

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