Thursday, March 2, 2017

LENT Addiction Test

Last night I read a post by Chef AJ that got me thinking. She said for her birthday she does not want material things, not even greeting cards. Instead all she wants is for her UWL tribe to overcome food addiction. Chef AJ works tirelessly to help food addicts get free of their self-imposed prison. One of the tools she offers is a challenge to abstain from SOS - Sugar, Oil, Salt. I have tried the challenge a few times, but barely make it through the first day before giving in. The thing is, just because I fail time and again doesn't mean I should give up. In fact, the determination to persevere becomes stronger each time.

I like that her latest challenge coincides with Lent. Lent is one of the best tests for addiction that I can think of. Can you abstain from your drug of choice for even one day? It is the tradition of Lent to fast, abstain, and pray for 40 days leading up to Easter. Easter is my favorite holiday, not only because of the religious meaning, but it feels like an awakening of nature and an opportunity to refresh my mind, body and spirit.

So, to celebrate Lent and honor Chef AJ's birthday wish, I am giving up SOS. I hope to be able to present Chef AJ the gift of at least 22 days of SOS abstinence for her birthday. I have a feeling it will be a wonderful gift for me too!

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