Monday, November 13, 2017

Let's watch this together

Hey! I’ve just signed up to watch a free documentary series called iThrive! Rising from the Depths of Diabetes and Obesity, which starts Tuesday, November 14th.

It’s about the diabetes and obesity epidemic.

I think this series could be the answer to some of the health conditions we all suffer from. I’d love it if you registered and watched this documentary series with me. Here’s the link to register for free:

Monday, October 16, 2017

RKMD Supplements Review - 90 Day Life Challenge - Day 16

I decided to add some accountability to the 90 Day RKMD Life Challenge I am doing. I am not affiliated with any of the supplements mentioned in the video. I have noticed more results in the short amount of time I've been on these supplements than any other supplements I've ever tried before. I plan to keep vlogging during this challenge and see if the positive results continue, I sure hope so! 

Friday, June 23, 2017

A New Job

"You have to take care of yourself before you can take care of others." ~ Dr. Phil

Seven days until I declare my independence from the most addictive drugs on the planet: sugar, oil and salt. I will do it for at least one year and depending on the results, most likely I will do it for the rest of my life!

I am debating on whether I want to record my journey and post it on YouTube. I would like to inspire someone but I hesitate because what if I fail like I have a thousand times? I don't want to give false hope to myself or anyone else. I think it may help me have some accountability, maybe. I think about the time that my weight was posted in the local newspaper every week for three months and that didn't motivate me much. Just think of your weight being announced to everyone in the community! I can't believe I did it, but it did take away my modesty of telling someone how much I weigh. I haven't been on the scales since my birthday in February. I weighed 314 lbs. My BMI was 53 along with my waist measurement.

I think seeing progress will keep me motivated, but I have to be consistent with clean eating and exercise first. I know this. I don't have to pay for some diet program to do what I know I need to do. I have spent thousands of my hard earned dollars looking for the magic formula when I knew the truth all along. It was a form of procrastination.

So, I'm doing the countdown until July 1st to begin my SOS (Sugar, Oil, Salt) free, WFPB (Whole Food Plant Based) journey. I'm not sure why I'm picking July 1st instead of July 4th, maybe to get a head start. Someone suggested I start "NOW". Been there done that. Failed miserably. Having a specific start time to count down to is more exciting to me. It builds up the momentum to push me out the gate of my comfort zone. It also gives me time to stock up on healthy foods and get the junk food out of the house. I totally believe what Chef AJ says that "If it's in your house it's in your mouth"! I really feel like I am starting a new chapter of my life. My job that I have been doing for what feels like forever ends next week. It will provide the perfect opportunity for me to start a new job at Take Care of Yourself Inc!

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Diet Beta Test

Since reading a blog post by Katherine Nilbrink, one of my favorite plant-based nutrition mentors about listening to your body instead of following the latest diet fad, I have become more aware of how certain foods make me feel. I notice how sugar laden food tastes so good in the moment, but within a few minutes of hitting my bloodstream makes me feel sick and weak. I notice how poor eating habits have caused inflammation which has wrecked havoc on my body. It has caused edema, raised my blood pressure to dangerous levels, and created joint pain that includes a frozen shoulder which makes it difficult to do simple things like brush my hair or get money out of the ATM.

Dieting has been on my mind a lot lately. But, my track record with diets are not good. In fact, it's the one thing I think I've failed at the most. There are so many good programs out there, but I usually derail the first week, sometimes the first day.

I have been a fan of Chalene Johnson since I discovered her during my Beachbody days. I love her bubbly personality and she's so fit. She is passionate about helping people live their best life. So, when I saw that she is offering an experimental program where participants create their own diet that got my attention.

The truth is I know what to do. I've studied nutrition and wellness nearly every day of my life since I was 18. I also know that when it comes to our health, we can never learn enough. I always think when I join a "diet" program that I wish they did this or that because then it would be easier to follow. So, now is my chance to put together a program that works for me. I know I could do it on my own, but the accountability and motivation is higher when you surround yourself  with like-minded people. I also like being involved with BETA ground-breaking programs. There is something exciting about being the first to breath life into something that could help hundreds of people. I sure hope it's a first "diet" program I stick with. Why wouldn't it be if I am the one creating it?! I think this will be a fun experiment. I'll let you know how it goes.

The program starts May 1st, so there is still time if you want in! Sign up at

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Time for Change

Change happens when the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of change. ~ Tony Robbins

I'm finally becoming aware of how even the smallest indulgence of sugar, oil or salt is affecting my health. The high numbers from a recent health screening coupled with how I have been feeling anytime I eat sugar or junk food has made me more mindful of what I am consuming and how it makes me feel immediately afterwards. I have always loved food. It has provided me a comfort that I have felt no other way, but the price I have paid for eating whatever I want is way too high.

Years ago I resigned myself to sitting on the sidelines of life. I told myself that I'm a loner anyway, but I know that's a lie. I would rather participate. I would rather be in a swimsuit than sweats and a sweater to hide the fat on my arms and legs. I would rather walk in the big stores and go to a dozen yard sales in a row than sit in the car and "read" because my feet and knees hurt too much to walk very far. I would rather visit with my family than "take a nap" because I'm too exhausted to get out of bed. I would rather be a shining example of radiant health to my family and community than stay home in shame because I can't conquer food addiction and the evidence shows all over my swollen body.

The words of Tony Robbins are ringing in my ears lately.  "Change happens when the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of change". The pain of morbid obesity with chronic fatigue, high blood pressure, and diabetes is more than I can handle. I am ready to do what it takes.

I know I have been at the "I'm ready" crossroad a million times. I come to this place usually every January 1st when I make a resolution to "lose weight", but it's about so much more than that now. It's about quality of life. My body sometimes feels like I'm in my 80's instead of 50's. I know people in their 70's and 80's that get around better than I do. Ernestine Shepherd is a shining example. I'm not ready to be old before my time. There is so much life I want to live before it's time to check out. A few family members and friends have died recently of addiction and disease. It is a real wake up call.

One of my favorite internet marketing gurus, Ramit Sethi said something the other day that has stuck with me. He was referring to my procrastination of picking a path to make money online which is something I've always wanted to do so I can trade a sedentary job for an active life. He said, "Isn't it time?"

Yes, it's time!

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Who's Fooling Who?

Paleo, High Protein, No Animal Protein, Keto, Low-Carb, No-Carb, Gluten-Free, No Sugar, Coconut Oil, No Oil, Sea Salt, No Salt, Vegetarian, Vegan, Raw, Mono Meals (bananas, potatoes, grapefuit), Packaged Meals, Smoothies, Juicing, Supplements, No Supplements, Detox, Cleanse, Intermittent Fasting, Water Only, L'Air!...

All these diet, non-diet, science-backed, "lifestyle" programs are so contradictory and confusing it makes me want to scream! The question that often comes to mind is what does the promoter or detractor of the program have to gain or lose by us buying into their rhetoric? There is often a big bottom line behind all the fads. Who's fooling who? We know diet is a billion dollar industry and many want to capitalize on a piece of the sugar-free pie!

It gives those of us who struggle with processed food addition the perfect excuse to say forget it all and just eat whatever I want. Therein lies the problem. Eating whatever I want used to work for me. Sure, I was a little overweight in my teens, 20's and 30's, but I didn't notice anything else going on. In my 40's I started to feel the energy drain and side effects set in, and now in my 50's I feel the aches and pains from the morbid obesity caused by my sedentary lifestyle and poor food choices.

I read the most refreshing blog post recently about trusting your body to know what you need rather than depending on the latest magic pill or diet fad. I really like the idea of just listening to my body instead of depending on others to tell me what to do. The thing is sometimes my brain gets confused and sweet, salty, or fatty foods when really what my body needs is water, rest or maybe even exercise.

I know the "secret" is to find what works for us individually, but the trick is to not be fooled by the industry that has more to gain by keeping us confused.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Bright Line Eating

I read on Dr. Susan Pierce Thompson's blog comments last night about a lady who said she is 74 and has struggled with obesity her whole life. The fact that she is 74 struck me. She is 20 years older than me. I remember saying the same thing 20 years ago. I don't want to go another 20 years dealing with these same weight issues and the compounding health issues that comes with it. I want to make some progress and not keep spinning my wheels. 

I think of all the years I have wasted sitting on the sidelines of life. I'm to the point now where I won't even go to the Y for a swim, which is something I love to do, because I'm self-conscious about my elephantiasis-looking legs. I'm not even packing shorts for spring break at the beach next week. I may work up the courage to wear a tank top so I can get a little sun on my skin. I know most people could care less, but I just don't want to deal with it. It's so humiliating to be this size and have all this fat. I just want it to go away and be healthy! It's so much easier said than done. I think if I could go on a retreat and detox it may be easier to reboot my system. I don't know the answer, but I won't stop until I figure it out. I just hope it doesn't take another 20 years! 

I keep trying different programs. I really like UWL, but I have yet to go a day without eating sugar, oil or salt! Why? To explain it would simply sound like excuses. The truth is I just haven't yet found a program that my brain will accept long enough to create new habits. 

Dr. Susan Pierce Thompson's scientific approach and knowledge of how the brain works intrigues me. She has been on my radar for a couple years, but I have yet to commit to her program until now. I signed up for her 14 day challenge and pre-ordered her Bright Line Eating book that comes out March 21, 2017. I like that she has a daily food plan. I don't like the idea of measuring my food, but you know what? I've never tried doing that before, so what the heck, maybe it will make me more aware of what I'm consuming and help me see that I need to eat more fruits and veggies and less of junk food so I can feel full and the high nutrition will eliminate the cravings. We will see how it goes! 

I love Dr. Susan Pierce Thompson's river bed analogy to help us understand food addiction. 

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Stop Sugar Cravings

I ate clean all day, then when I got home I ate a Nutty Bar (one of my favorite sweet treats) and instantly felt so sick and weak that I had to lay down. I'm not sure why that happened, but I'm thinking it was because of Marcus Rothkranz' sugar-blocker Trim-Force that I took earlier in the day. I was looking for something to stop my sugar cravings long enough to get the sugar out of my system and I watched a video where Marcus talked about his herbal supplement and said, "I dare ya" to try it. I didn't even need a double dare. I trust Marcus and if he says his product will help curb cravings, I'm willing to give it a try so I can get control of life! The thing I forgot to do was to put the Trim-Force powder on the tip of my tongue before eating the chocolate to stop the craving instantly.

After about an hour I felt better, then right before bed I ate a brownie. I know better. I wish my willpower was strong enough to overcome the temptation that surrounds me, but I know that chocolate and junk food in the house is like an alcoholic hanging out at a bar. I know I need to get rid of it, but I have a hard time throwing away food, even junk food. That happens when you eat water gravy as a kid because there is no food in the house. I would like to box up all the junk food and send it to the "man cave" where it's not within reach when I'm tired or stressed because that's when I'm most vulnerable to eating junk food. Sending the junk food to the man cave actually sounds like a great idea. I think I'll do that during spring break when I have some time off work.

Markus Rothkranz' video where he talks about Trim-Force

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Miracle Morning

 The Miracle Morning

I woke up this morning to JJ Virgin's podcast where she was interviewing Hal Elrod, the author of Miracle Morning. The thing that stood out the most to me was when he said that once he started getting up in the morning instead of hitting the snooze, he started accomplishing his goals and his income doubled! That makes sense to me. If you get up first thing and focus on the important things and "frame your day" as JJ called it, you can't help but succeed. It seems to be one of the top practices of the most successful people. I would like to say that I jumped out of bed right away and got with it, but I hit snooze a couple more times. It's a bad habit that I want to break, so I think I'll start by reading the book! 

Monday, March 6, 2017

It's Not Rocket Science

I feel great this morning! What did I do different first thing this morning? I moved my body! It was just for a few minutes. I did 5 minutes of BOD Yoga and 5 minutes of WBV. That's the only thing so far that I have done different than any other day. I also listened to JLD of EOF interview Portia Jackson, a rocket scientist turned life coach entrepreneur, which was motivating and inspiring. I love listening to these types of podcasts. I can relate to a lot of what Portia was saying. I am in the thick of overcoming perfectionism and analysis paralysis right now.

So, right in the middle of making my herbal lemon tea, I had this flicker of how great life is and how good it feels to be home, even though I am getting ready to go work in a corporate job that was supposed to be "temporary" and has turned into a full-time gig for the past four years. But, I see the rainbow of how life can be if I keep this forward momentum going even when everything is not perfect, not even close.

It feels so good to be home right this moment writing with the belief that I will soon be working from home full-time and have the freedom lifestyle that I have always dreamed of. I have all my senses engaged. I can feel it, see it, taste it, hear it, smell it. It's a beautiful dream and I won't give up because I'm worth it. There is only one life to live so let's make the most of it starting with learning from a rocket scientist who knows that living your best life isn't rocket science, it just takes focus and consistent action!

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Gut Devils

 Gut Balance Revolution

My first thought out of bed this morning is that I need to get into a healthier routine. I took a nap from 6-8p last night then didn't go to sleep again until after a midnight snack of pizza that has left my stomach and body feeling heavy. I keep hearing Chef AJ's voice in my head saying "If it's in your house, it's in your mouth." Truer words have never been spoken when it comes to a processed food addict. I say processed food addict instead of just food addict because I don't find myself craving fruits and veggies which tells me I'm not really hungry, something else is happening which I think is a mix of habit and miniature devils in my gut craving crap! I must find a way to rewire my brain and help the healthier microbes crowd out the ones that are trying to destroy my body for their own satisfaction. I'm starting by checking out Dr. Mullin's Gut Revolution book. I recently took a chemistry class which turned out to be more of a nutrition class where I learned about how important gut flora is to health. It surprised me to learn that this bacteria controls everything from our physical health to our moods.

I also need to shop smarter and speak up about junk food not being brought in the house which is easier said than done, but these past few days where I have failed miserably at abstaining from sugar, oil and salt, has proven that nothing will change until the crap is out of the house and I stop feeding those gut devils!

"It's harder to change a man's diet than his religion."

Friday, March 3, 2017

Applying The 5 Second Rule

 The 5 Second Rule

I woke up motivated this morning thanks to a simple concept that I heard from Mel Robbins on Lewis Howes' School of Greatness podcast. I like going to sleep to podcasts because I inevitably wake up to the things I need to hear.

What I heard this morning was Mel Robbins talking about how a countdown of 5-4-3-2-1 has changed her life and thousands of other lives including 11 people who were suicidal. It reminded me of the power of simple concepts!

The number 5 has been my favorite number for as long as I can remember. I have always been fascinated by the number 5 for reasons that I don't completely understand. It is like it is meant to be a part of my life for some strange reason. Maybe this moment is piece of the puzzle.

I got excited when I heard the podcast interview between Lewis Howes and Mel Robbins. I could relate to when she was talking about being broke and depressed and just wanted to stay in bed. Although I don't wallow in those negative moments, they sure present themselves more often than I care to admit. I pride myself on being an optimist, but sometimes reality knocks the wind out of my sails. Which is why I constantly feed my mind life-changing nuggets that come from empowering places like The School of Greatness.

I love the idea of using the logical side of my brain to overcome resistance and what better method than doing a 5 second countdown. It's one of those aha moments that can change your life. In fact, it already has. Instead of pushing snooze a dozen times like I normally do, I got up and wrote this post to share with you. Now, I'm off to meditate, exercise and nourish my body with some warm lemon water and green juice.

It feels good to rocket launch my day and discover the possibilities that await in the momentum!

Thursday, March 2, 2017

LENT Addiction Test

Last night I read a post by Chef AJ that got me thinking. She said for her birthday she does not want material things, not even greeting cards. Instead all she wants is for her UWL tribe to overcome food addiction. Chef AJ works tirelessly to help food addicts get free of their self-imposed prison. One of the tools she offers is a challenge to abstain from SOS - Sugar, Oil, Salt. I have tried the challenge a few times, but barely make it through the first day before giving in. The thing is, just because I fail time and again doesn't mean I should give up. In fact, the determination to persevere becomes stronger each time.

I like that her latest challenge coincides with Lent. Lent is one of the best tests for addiction that I can think of. Can you abstain from your drug of choice for even one day? It is the tradition of Lent to fast, abstain, and pray for 40 days leading up to Easter. Easter is my favorite holiday, not only because of the religious meaning, but it feels like an awakening of nature and an opportunity to refresh my mind, body and spirit.

So, to celebrate Lent and honor Chef AJ's birthday wish, I am giving up SOS. I hope to be able to present Chef AJ the gift of at least 22 days of SOS abstinence for her birthday. I have a feeling it will be a wonderful gift for me too!

Monday, February 27, 2017

AYURVEDA - First Stop on My Gut Healing Journey

I listen to podcasts while I sleep. I often wake up two to three times a night anyway, so I thought why not feed my mind positive information along the way. Last night when I woke up, JJ Virgin was interviewing Amish Shah who gave up his lavish lifestyle to practice Ayurveda to heal his mind, body and soul. Amish captured my attention right away when he said he gave up his material things to focus on his health. I find it fascinating that after achieving financial success that we find it doesn't bring us the most important things we seek in life which is health and happiness. 

Amish defined Ayurveda as "Life Knowledge". I have heard the word Ayurveda many times before, but until now it has not been on my radar. Amish talked about how Ayurveda can help heal the body of inflammation which is exactly what I need. He reminded us of what Hippocrates said thousands of years ago, "All diseases begins in the gut." 

So, I'm going to check out Amish's website and works in hope of some guidance on how to cure this "raging fire" in my body! If you have inflammation, maybe Ayurveda can help you too! 

Thursday, February 23, 2017

The Fat Lady Sings

Today is my 54th birthday. It was a nice day. I went for a walk at my favorite park with my husband, granddaughter and niece, then went to my favorite restaurant (Golden Corral because they have lots of veggies). Then, my husband showed me a picture he posted on his Facebook page where he was trying to be funny by wishing me a happy 60th birthday. Upon seeing my bloated self in the picture, my mood immediately changed from enjoying the moment to disbelief. My mind flooded with thoughts... I don't even recognize myself. I look pregnant. What happened to me!

I could swear on a stack of bibles that I don't eat that much, but no one would believe me, not even me! What is going on? Why am I so swollen?! How can I get my body back?! It makes me want to cringe and cry at the same time.

What am I doing about it? Well, for one thing I cut way back on my hours at work. I went from working 40-60 hours a week to 20 hours a week. I may pay the price financially, but sitting so much is taking a big toll on my health. I believe the saying that sitting is the new smoking! I am moving more including the hour and a half hike I did that led to the picture. I just have to stay consistent with it. That has been my biggest obstacle.

The photo is definitely a wake up call. Not only the photo, but the hike itself. I was so thankful the park had benches scattered throughout the trail so I could sit and catch my breath. I made a game out of it with my five year old granddaughter where our goal was to get to the next bench!

So, here I am making myself a birthday promise to take better care of myself. I know I have to so I can be around for my family. It is time for the fat lady to sing!