Friday, August 21, 2015

Getting My Fix

I'm not going to lie, my fix for the past three months has been McDonald's Sweet Tea and fries! I also sometimes get their Mocha Frappe on top of the other two things! I can't imagine how much sugar and caffeine is in those drinks. I don't think I want to know. All I know is my current fix has led to me eating other junk food as well... chips, pizza, candy... which makes me incredibly tired as I come down from the sugar crash or as my body tries to digest too much food that it barely recognizes as food. The resulting lethargy makes it where I would rather lay across the bed and read a book or surf the web than go for a walk or any other form of exercise. Something's gotta give! 

My daughter is a fitness freak. She was practically born and raised in a gym as that is where I worked most of the time when she was young. I am so glad fitness was instilled in her at a young age. But, the past few months have been tough for her too as the genetics kicks in. She however has an incredibly strong will and has lost a hundred pounds three times. She has owned her own gym and been a personal trainer. So, it was no surprise when she said she is ready to stop making excuses and get fit. 

We both have a dream of breaking the cycle of obesity and winning the Beachbody Challenge at the same time. It would be an incredible story. Anything is possible! The thing is you have to start somewhere. That is what we are doing. We are starting together. I am so excited to take this journey with my daughter and spend quality time with her. I think training for an event will make a big difference in the way we approach exercise and our diet. 

We both love Beachbody - their exercise programs and their Vegan Shakeology. I can tell a difference when I drink Shakeology. My cravings are not out of control like they have been these past few months. I ran out of Shakeology and couldn't afford to purchase more, at least that is what I told myself. The thing is I spend more on fast food when I'm out of Shakeology. I know I'm supposed to eat fresh greens, veggies, and fruits, but the fact is I don't always have quick access to those foods. Yes, I could pack them and carry it around and perhaps I will get to the point where I have that down to a science, but for now Shakeology works for me. I don't think I would have gained 16 pounds in these past three months if I would have been drinking my Shakeology. So, I am replacing my fast food fix with Shakeology and working out to 21 Day Fix with my daughter. I'll keep you posted on our progress! 

Kathy G

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Tetris Stops Cravings

I've never been a gamer, but when I heard the other day that playing Tetris stops cravings, I started thinking maybe it's time to give it a try! I have tried so many things to stop cravings - go for a walk, eat something healthy instead of the junk food I'm craving (I never crave kale), drink water, write, listen to a podcast, check in on social media, text or call a sponsor... none of it ever lasts for long. The cravings usually return with a vengeance which makes me think the craving probably has very little to do with food at all - maybe I'm bored or stressed, or the foods/restaurants that trigger food cravings are right in front of me - all those things come in to play when cravings hit.

The concept of Tetris being visual stimuli and that we cannot focus on two things at the same time makes sense, but my question is, wouldn't the cravings return the minute you stop playing? Maybe the thinking is that you just need to give yourself time for the cravings to pass. That has happened many times for me with the other distractions from cravings I use. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

Next time I get a craving, I will test the Tetris theory and see. I'm just hoping a bag of chips aren't nearby when I play the game!

Kathy G

Friday, August 14, 2015

How Bad Do You Want It

Chef AJ is my favorite plant-based mentor. Several months ago, she started a private Facebook group for her UWL (Ultimate Weight Loss) students and I quickly joined, but I have to admit, I have been lurking lately. I feel so far off track from where I want to be with my plant-based diet that I barely feel worthy of being in the group. I know it's a support group, but when I fall off the wagon, I just want to go into hiding.

I love the way Chef AJ keeps it real and truly understands food addiction because she has lived it. Tonight she made a post that snapped me out of my food coma of the past couple months and got me thinking about my future - one of extreme lethargy and other side effects of morbid obesity if I continue on the junk food path and the other I want so much of abundant energy and a quality life that comes from the other choice of eating clean and moving my body.

In her post, she asked HOW BAD DO YOU WANT IT? How bad do I want to lose weight and have energy to live a normal and maybe even extraordinary life? My first thought is I WANT IT SO BAD I CAN TASTE THE KALE! But, if I'm being totally honest with myself, how bad do I really want it? Do I want it bad enough to give up sweet tea, mocha frappes, fries, butter, bread, pizza, chips, cake, pie, cookies, and other junk food? Do I want to be in shape bad enough to go for a 30 minute walk every day and lift some weights? If consistent action is the answer, it has thus far been a resounding NO! Talking and wishing doesn't make it happen.

Chef AJ has some really good advice for the food addict's dilemma and that is to study the UWL material until you know it inside out, "like your favorite movie" which makes a lot of sense. Seriously, how many times have you seen your favorite movies? I lost count on how many times I've watched Dirty Dancing, The Notebook, and Pretty Woman. I've seen those movies so many times, I can quote lines from them! This repetition concept clicks with me. If you want to live the plant-based lifestyle, don't just read the book, watch the DVD and then put it back on the shelf, study it over and over again until you have those golden truths memorized.

Maybe Chef AJ should create a test to see how well we know the answer to what she teaches like the calorie density chart - memorizing that alone can make a dramatic difference in how I think when I go to grab something saturated in oil. I should automatically know the answer to the question of how many calories are in a pound of pasta versus a pound of steamed spinach! Actually, I could make it simple and just ask myself, what foods are to the left of the red line? Well? Waiting? What exercises does John Pierre (he heads up the fitness side of the UWL program) recommend? I watched the video this spring and it's all a blur, definitely time to watch, listen and learn until it is part of my DNA!

Chef AJ said something else on that post that really struck a cord with me. She said in order to overcome food addiction you must do what all addicts that overcome addiction do which is to "Permanently abstain from all the substances you are addicted to." I have had such a problem with "permanently" abstaining. The moment I tell myself this, I go into some sort of rebellious mode where I have to have the very thing I am trying to abstain from. Sweet tea is a good example. To think of never having it again as long as I live makes me sad. It would be the first thing on my list if I knew I was going to die tomorrow, well maybe second, right after a pina colada!

But, then I think what if I don't die tomorrow, but instead continue on this free-for-all junk food path and suffer the consequences of serious illness and disease, which I have already experienced with diverticulitis that put me in the hospital for a month with 18 inches of my colon removed and an additional six months wearing a colostomy bag!

There are many other negative effects of this food addiction, so many things that have to do with quality of life. The list is a mile long and far outweighs the momentary pleasure I get from consuming the junk food.

Anyone who has never had to deal with addiction is probably thinking, so just stop, have some willpower! Yeah, right, that's like standing in front of a train and telling it to stop. It's on the rails going full-speed, nothing short of an big obstacle is going to stop it until the conductor on the inside knows it's time to stop. (I live next door to a train track, so maybe that's why the train analogy came to mind). Anyway, the point is, changing directions in life rarely happens automatically. Like my friend John Maxwell says you will change when the pain becomes too great to stay the same or when you learn enough to change.

I can this promise to myself. I may fall a million times, but as long as I have a heartbeat, I will get back up again and keep on trying to live my best life! Something in my soul tells me that this plant-based lifestyle is the key that unlocks the abundant energy I seek. I am grateful for people like Chef AJ who care enough to help me (and others who struggle with food addiction) get the information and support we need to climb out of the abyss and live our best life.

Kathy G

Saturday, August 8, 2015


Well, my participation in Markus Rothkranz's Raw Weight Loss Contest didn't last long. I think it was day two when I had some beans and steamed potatoes which felt like a "cheat" meal and it went downhill from there. I'm sure there have been people who make the decision to go raw and instantly stop the junk food, the pasta, pizza, and other cooked food, but from where I'm at that's like leaping over the Grand Canyon!

Ironically, as I'm writing this post I'm munching on a big bowl of cantaloupe which is delicious. Raw fruits and veggies are a part of my diet, I just need to make it more of what I eat and eliminate the junk food - like the potato chips I snacked on last night.

I can definitely tell a difference when I eat raw versus the chemical-filled food. I drank a couple cups of coffee this week (with artificial sugar and non-dairy creamer) and had a lower backache for two days, which was probably the start of a kidney infection. I drank some cranberry juice last night and woke up this morning with no lower back pain - what a powerful reminder of the healing power of fruit!

I have also been incredibly tired the past couple months which I absolutely hate, but has it been enough pain and disgust to keep me away from the chips and cereal? No! It's the most baffling thing to me. It seems like it would be a no-brainer to eat the food that makes me feel better. I am becoming more aware of what triggers junk food cravings. I mostly eat junk food when it's around and when I'm stressed. It's when my willpower is depleted like an overdrawn bank account. Awareness helps me to stay strong and make healthier choices. Having fresh fruit and veggies around helps. Putting the junk food out of sight helps. I just need to stay in a state of awareness.

Challenges like Markus Rothkranz and Fully Raw Kristina do helps me even if I don't stick with the program. It creates the awareness I need to get back on track and keeps me focused on the advantages of fresh fruit and vegetables as well as the mind, body, spirit connection to health and wellness.

RAW is where the ENERGY (my focus word for 2015) is at. That is my awareness.

Kathy G

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Markus Weight Loss Contest

I just saw where Markus Rothkranz is starting a weight loss contest. I am joining it for a few reasons. One is I have gotten way off track with my vegformation transformation. Markus often says that just because you are vegetarian or vegan doesn't mean you are healthy. I am living proof of that statement because I have been vegetarian for four years, but I still weigh over 300 pounds! The last time I got on the scales about a month ago I weighed 307. 

The weight and weight loss isn't my main concern in and of itself. I've been overweight 90% of my life! It's what eating junk food does to me. It makes me so sluggish. All I want to do is sit and sleep. That's not the life I want! The weight makes it painful to walk. My mother is in a wheel chair because of what obesity has done to her body. If I don't do something to change my lifestyle now, I will soon be following the same path as my mom and her mother before her. It's time to break the cycle of obesity and get control of my life. Markus' weight loss challenge may be the spark I need to stay on track! 

Here we go. Day 1. You know how much I love day ones. Here's to hoping that everyday remains as motivating as day 1!

If you are ready to take control of your health too, I invite you to join me. If you sign up, be sure to let me know and we can help support each order on this journey! 

Here's a link to sign up...

Markus Weight Loss Contest

My Day 1 Video

Let's do this! 

Kathy G 

Monday, May 18, 2015

What is Your First Exercise Memory

I listened to the Chalene Johnson Show "The Ultimate Exercise Routine" podcast the other day and it made me think about something I've never really thought about before and that is my deep-seated feelings about exercise. I admit it, I'm from the school of thinking that exercise is a chore. Of course, once I start exercising, I feel good, but getting myself to do it consistently is like pushing a Mac truck uphill.

Chalene did a mind exercise where she asked her listeners the first thing that comes to mind when you think of exercise or movement as a child? Is it positive or negative? 

I have a few thoughts that immediately come to mind when I think about exercise as a child and they are all negative. 

My first thought is when I was in 5th or 6th grade. I was big for my age. I was 11 and looked like I was 18. My body was overdeveloped. I think I wore a size C bra even then. I was in the gym, trying out for the basketball team. The coach was young, maybe in his early 20's. He had us running drills back and forth the full length of the gym. As I was running, he came up beside me and made a comment about me having big boobs. I immediately slowed down and became self-conscious any time I ran they my breasts didn't bounce up and down. I also remember always being last to be picked on a team in gym class, coming in last when I ran, and last even on the hippity hop races. I decided sports was not my thing! 

The second part of Chalene's mind exercise was to think about movement you loved as a child. I had to think a little harder about that one, but a couple things came to mind. 

I loved it in elementary school when the PE teacher would get out a giant parachute and all the kids would circle around it and move to create wind under the parachute. We would move it up and down and all around. I remember it being fun to feel part of the group, not to be singled out, and the colors were so pretty. 

I also liked to play jump rope with my friends at recess. I liked Hopscotch too. I loved to skip. Skipping made me feel happy. Even now I think it's probably impossible to skip and feel sad at the same time. I also remember going on a hike with a small group of kids, that felt like such an adventure. I loved it. 

Swimming is probably the thing I loved the most as a child. I never remember being afraid of the water. I would jump in any body of water no matter how dirty it was. Creeks, ponds, lakes, mud puddles, it didn't matter to me. I didn't think about snakes or germs. Playing with the water hose was a blast too. I would offer to wash the car just so I could play with the water hose. 

When I was a teenager, I loved to walk around the "big block" with my best friend. The big block was a four mile square near the tiny town we lived in called "Herbst". It is surrounded by cornfields in east central Indiana. I looked forward to waking around the big block with my friend. We would sing sings, talk about boys, our plans for the future, and whatever else crossed our mind. It never seemed like exercise, just hanging out with a friend. 

I'm glad to see that I also have positive childhood memories about exercise. Chalene challenged us to focus on the exercises and movements that made us happy as a child because that can lead us to our "soul mate" workout, something we look forward to doing instead of something that makes is feel self-conscious or that we have to force ourself to do. 

It never crossed my mind before that my sub-conscious could be associating exercise with early childhood negative experiences and trying to protect me. The mind is a curios thing. It fascinates me to continue learning how the mind works and use that knowledge to live my best life. I believe awareness plays a bug role in progress and transformation. Thanks Chalene! 

Now I'm headed to the park to walk with that same best friend from high school that I walked around the big block with (we are blessed to have kept in touch all these years). Tomorrow, I may mix it up by going skipping in the pool. 

What's your soul mate exercise? 

Monday, April 27, 2015

Keeping it Real

Well I said I would post every Monday, so here I am. I have two draft posts in the queue, but they don't really apply at the moment. Today is one of those days when I really don't want to write a blog post, especially about my transition away from the standard American diet to a whole foods plant based diet because today the SAD is winning. I went to Taco Bell after work and had a fiesta salad (no taco meat), cheesy fiesta potatoes and four cinnabons.  It tasted really good in the moment, but of course the regret came later as it always does. I wish the healthy food tasted as good as the junk food. Sometimes it does, but not today. I ate some green beans and potatoes and water melon for lunch. It was so bland. Every time I give in to junk food cravings it makes me feel like I will never slay the food addiction dragon. I just want to curl up in bed with some peanut M&Ms or Lays BBQ potato chips and read a book! It takes such incredible discipline to stay on track. Why can't it be easy? It makes me want to scream sometimes. I just finished listening to The Power of Habits and the author talked about how food is often part of a routine for an issue that has nothing to do with food. He used the example of getting a cookie and talking with co-workers every day around 3 p.m. He used a food diary to determine that what he was really craving was social interaction. I spend a lot of time in my head. Maybe food replaces my social interaction too. So, I will do what I always do to get out of a funk. I will go find something inspiration to watch or listen to. I apologize to any one who happens by looking for inspiration or motivation, in my post today. I'm just keeping it real.

Kathy G

Update Tuesday morning...

Today is a new day. I will learn from the past and put it behind me. When I look at yesterday objectively I see that I did none of the things that I know will keep me on track and feeling good so I don't turn to food to fill the gap. This morning I made sure to move my body as part of my morning routine. I did Tony Horton's 10 Minute Trainer. Even that little bit of exercise makes me feel like I'm starting my day off on the right foot. And it feels good to move my body after being realatively still while I sleep for several hours. My next step is journaling, affirmations, and gratitude. I always pray before I get out of bed, but it takes these other consistent actions as well to help me get out of my own way and stay in a positive place and move forward. 

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Discipline - The Power of Habit

I love connecting with positive people online (and in person). I have some friends that share the most uplifting posts on Facebook. Today, my virtual friend Bruce Fowler shared his friend's post who shared quotes from the book The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg. (Isn't it cool how you can learn through the power of social media?!)

Here is the part of the post that spoke to me:

"Unfortunately, many of us had discipline forced upon us as children. Naturally, we rebelled against an externally imposed structure. We were not shown that true discipline always comes from within, and the motivation for that urge is love. When we are doing what we love, when we are pursuing something that has meaning, discipline comes naturally... discipline liberates rather than confines you." ~ Charles Duhigg, The Power of Habit

The word discipline has always struck terror in my inner child. I spent a lifetime running from discipline because I had discipline in the worst sense of the word forced upon me as a child. When I grew up, the word discipline was like a landfill where I tossed my pain from childhood. I stayed as far away from that word as I could.

Whatever definition you give discipline, look at the other end of the scale and that is where you would find me. I didn't use discipline in anything including myself or my kids. I ate what I wanted, I exercised if and when I wanted to, I spent money on whatever my kids or I wanted leaving bills unpaid, I worked when I wanted and I didn't tolerate anyone who tried to force discipline upon me including my employers. I quit jobs I loved because I refused to have any authority figure reigning over me doling out commands. I didn't discipline my children and wouldn't let anyone else discipline them either including their father. If he tried, it would cause a fight. I paid a high price for rebelling against discipline which extended beyond me to my family.

It took many years of personal development for me to accept that discipline can be a good thing and is absolutely necessary for success. The shift I had to make in my mind was away from associating discipline to external control and punishment. Even the dictionary defines discipline as punishment: "The practice of training people to obey rules or a code of behavior, using punishment to correct disobedience"... "Control that is gained by requiring that rules or orders be obeyed and punishing bad behavior"... "To punish (someone) as a way of making sure that rules or orders are obeyed."

Discipline = Punishment, Discipline = Control, Discipline = Obey, Discipline = Rules, Discipline = Pain... that was my association that made my innate flight or fight response kick in like nothing else I have ever experienced in my life. Even writing about the word and long-associated definitions makes me want to rebel.

Once I started studying personal development and successful people I realized that there is an entirely different meaning of the word discipline. It doesn't have to be a form of punishment. It can be for your greater good. Merriam-Webster also includes this expanded definition: "To train (yourself) to do something by controlling your behavior" and "To train or develop by instruction and exercise especially in self-control." It is this definition of discipline that I have come to respect and am becoming acquainted with after a quarter century of running away from it.

The post reminded me about the type of discipline that empowers you to pursue your passion and live a life of meaning and purpose. I was inspired to immediately get the referenced book, "The Power of Habit" so I can discover more about how to develop the discipline it takes to live my best life, reach my highest potential, and of course share my insights to help inspire others to live their best life too!

"Once you understand habits, it's like someone gave you a flashlight and a crowbar and you can get to work." ~ Charles Duhigg

What I found most fascinating about The Power of Habit is how it shines a bright light on discipline. No longer is it a dark, enforced obedience, but a neural pathway in your brain that is developed by your daily routine.

So, armed with this deeper understanding of habits, I am creating new habits that will help me stay on track with my Vegformation journey. My morning routine will include exercise just as brushing my teeth and taking a shower are part of my morning routine. I made an appointment to get a mani/pedi which I will use as a reward for my new habit of exercising first thing in the morning. I think I'm going to like this new way of forming habits!

Kathy G

Monday, April 20, 2015

PlantPure Nation Indy Premier

Saturday, April 18, 2015, I attended the Indianapolis premier of PlantPure Nation with my 13 year old grandson. I loved that he was able to share the experience with me and get education about the plant based truth. I sure wish I would have known what he now knows as a young child. He was curious after attending the event and we had a great discussion about the topic all the way home. 

I was bummed that my iPhone battery died and I wasn't able to get pictures. I really wanted to get a picture of him with Dr. T. Colin Campbell and I'm sure he would have be happy to do it. We were only a few feet away from him on the front row. I did get an opportunity to tell Dr. Campbell thank you and that I love his work. That made my day. He is my hero. I have much love and respect for someone who dedicates their life to a good cause and is willing to put everything they have worked for on the line to make sure the truth gets out to the public. 

I also have a lot of respect for the PlantPure Nation team who are travelling tirelessly around the country sharing the PlantPure truth. I hope their documentary goes mainstream. I have a feeling this documentary will push the flood gates wide open. Every documentary and person who speaks up have pushed those gates open a little wider. It's only a matter of time before the truth can no longer be ignored and positive change will take place one person at a time, one community at a time. 

It is an exciting time in human history. I know doom and gloom abounds, but there is also so much hope and possibility for healing and harmony. I feel it when I am near projects like this which is why I am drawn to them and want to get more involved. I plan to get Kim Campbell's PlantPure Nation Cookbook on Amazon and support the PlantPure Nation Kickstarter project. I'm also interested in the PODS they talked about at the panel discussion at the premier. It sounds like they have done a lot of planning to take the PlantPure message to the next level. I'm fascinated by their grass roots, Guerrilla Marketing approach. I would so love to meet up with them in Washington DC on May 9th, but even if I don't make it there in person, I will be there in spirit and continue to do what I can to spread the whole food plant based lifestyle message in my sphere of influence starting with myself and my family. I'm looking forward to this plant powered journey! 

Peace, Love & Spinach,

Kathy G

Books I reference on my blog are linked to my Amazon affiliate page which costs nothing extra to use and gives me a few pennies to put towards growing the Vegformation venture. If you use my affiliate link to purchase books or other products on Amazon, I thank you for your support! 

Saturday, April 18, 2015

NEAR HIT 3 Feet From Gold

Have you ever had a near hit? Most people think about near misses - barely avoiding disaster. I think of near hits - barely missing success. Near hits when I was so close to the sweet spot of life and didn't even realize it.

One of those near hits was about 20 years ago when I left a corporate job to start a food truck called Health Wagon Concessions. I sold healthy treats at fairs and events. I thought surely people would want healthy alternatives to the deep fried foods offered at the fair. How wrong I was. People give themselves permission to indulge when they go to these once a year events. Sales at Health Wagon were dismal and after two summers I was out of business. My daughter told me my idea was before it's time and I believe it. Look how popular food trucks are now! Of course most of them still sell junk food. I remember the first time I saw deep fried vegetables at the fair. I thought why didn't I think of that?! It would make a perfect transition food to the raw veggies I was trying to get people to buy.

So along with my failed business also went my resolve to stay on the health wagon. My health and career spiraled downhill. I adopted the attitude of if you can't beat them, join them and I went back to looking forward to elephant ears and sugar laden lemonade at the fair too.

That experience was a near hit. I was so close to my passion and didn't even realize it. Even though I fell off the health wagon both in my health and career, neither thought ever completely left me. It has been nagging at me all these years to get it together. And like sleeping beauty waking from a food coma, I am left with 20/20 hindsight and the realization that it's never too late to pursue your dreams. I was three feet from gold and unlike the guy who sold his dream to someone else in the Napoleon Hill story, the gold is still there, waiting to be mined.

Keep digging.

Kathy G 

Three Feet from Gold by Sharon Lechter and Greg Reid

Books I reference on my blog are linked to my Amazon affiliate page which costs nothing extra to use and gives me a few pennies. If you use my affiliate link to purchase books or other products on Amazon, thank you for your support! 

Thursday, April 16, 2015

The Reading and Writing Diet

"If food is the barricade we put between us and trauma, 
words are what takes the barricades down." 
~ Julia Cameron, The Writing Diet

Have you missed me? I like to imagine that there is at least one person out there in the WWW (whole wide world) that looks forward to my blog posts. I originally was going to post every day, but decided I would rather post when I have something to say, quality over quantity or something like that. I am recommitting to posting at least once a week. I will post more often if something juicy comes up that just can't wait, but you can expect to see a new post from me every Monday. I like Mondays, that's when I start everything, especially when it comes to eating clean and exercise, might as well throw blogging in the Monday mix too!

Even though I haven't been posting every day I am still focused on my Vegformation - transformation from the SAD (Standard American Diet) and Junk Food Vegetarian Diet to a Whole Food Plant Based (WFPB) lifestyle. Some days are better than others, but when people who have been there done that say it's a process, I get it. There is no rushing this lifestyle. It's not a diet and cannot be looked at as something you go on or off. It's just an effort I make every day to eat enough veggies and fruit so that I don't cave to the junk food devils. Plus, there is a lot of mental and spiritual work necessary to recover from food addiction and get to a place where I am thriving with abundant energy - that's my goal.

So, what have I been doing while I was away these past couple weeks? Well, I was sick for a few days. Some flu bug decided to set up residence in my body, but I evicted that blood sucker by nursing myself. As soon as I came home from work I went to bed for three days straight in a row. I also drank lots of water with lemon and local, organic honey. That's my protocol every time I get sick, which isn't often, and it works like a charm. After the three days I started feeling better. I added a couple extra days of taking it easy just to be sure. I often see people (like my daughter) still go hard with their workouts once they get sick. Then they are down for two to three weeks, sometimes longer. I just nip it in the bud right away by getting plenty of rest and a couple key elixirs.

While resting, I caught up on some reading with two very enlightening books:

1) Mind Your Body: 4 Weeks to a Leaner, Healthier Life by Joel Harper

2) The Writing Diet: Write Yourself Right-Size by Julia Cameron

Both of these books opened my mind and helped me tremendously on my wellness journey. I am a big fan of Julia Cameron and her book The Artist Way. I have done morning pages off and on for years, but got away from it after all my journals burned up in the fire last August.

I vaguely remember hearing about The Writing Diet when it was published, but had forgotten all about it until Joel Harper mentioned it in his Mind Your Body book. Joel's book has an extensive mental exercise that woke me up to my "real" problem areas which surprisingly have very little to do with food directly, but a whole lot to do with overeating and emotional eating. Just becoming aware of it seems like a giant leap forward in my progress. I feel like Joel and Julia's books go hand in hand. Joel is making me aware of the underlying issues and Julia is encouraging me to write about it.

In The Writing Diet, Julia goes right to the heart of the matter too when she says, "If food is the barricade we put between us and trauma, words are what takes the barricades down." I have known the power of words to heal my soul for many years, long before I wrote about my childhood traumas in Break The Cycle. For some reason I never thought of journal writing as a working solution to get past the barriers that have kept my weight in the danger zone for two decades.

So, along with my blogging commitment, I am recommitting to morning pages. I like that Julia refers to them as "mourning" pages because it's where you can release what's eating at you, go ahead and spill your guts on the page. It's an ever ready friend.

The Writing Diet is my kind of diet indeed.

Write on!

Kathy G

P.S. More on Mind Your Body in a future post. It is well worth the read and deserves an in depth review!

P.S.S. By clicking on the links to purchase books on my blog posts, you help support my writing through Amazon's affiliate program, which costs you nothing extra to do. If you use my affiliate links, THANK YOU, I appreciate your support.

Julia Cameron talking about her book, The Writing Diet

Friday, April 3, 2015

Do You Ever Wonder How You Never Knew

I love it when I discover plant based experts. What amazes me is how they were never on my radar before given how much I study this field. I spend at least an hour a day, sometimes much longer listening to plant-based podcasts, watching videos, reading books, etc. I would say I'm definitely passionate about it. My biggest regret is that I didn't pay attention to the vegetarian world when I was younger. I do believe it's never too late to turn your life around with plant based food and a positive attitude. 

Today I discovered Karyn Calabrese as I was checking out an Autumn Calabrese video! I am constantly amazed at how young people look who adopt a plant based lifestyle long term. It's like it reverses aging! Karyn is 65 and looks half that age. She's big into detox which is not something I have yet mastered. I think the longest I have lasted doing a detox was three days and I felt like I was dying. I'm a big baby when it comes to feeling sick. I know it passes, but I think I have so much toxicity built up in my fat cells from a half century of eating junk food that I have to release it slowly or be medically supervised. I would love to go to True North and do a water fast. Someday, when I can afford it. In the meantime, I will keep fueling my body with fruits and veggies and learning from people who have been there, done that. I'm so grateful for people like Karyn who consistently walk their talk and share their gifts. 

Kathy G

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Listen Up! FREE Plant Based Nutrition Classes

I LOVE Chef AJ's FREE teleclasses! She does weekly interviews with leaders in the plant based movement. This week she is talking with Rich Roll and his lovely wife Julie Piatt about their new book, The PlantPower Way. I'm a big fan of Rich and Julie, so this is a triple treat for me. The Rich Roll podcast is one of my favorite podcasts. I listen to it every week. I'm waiting for Julie to get her own podcast. Hint, hint Srimati! I have learned so much from all three of them and am super stoked to hear more about their new lifestyle book and plant power recipes that Rich has been teasing his listeners about for months. I can't wait until the book comes out and am happy to help them spread the power power word through my blog and Thunderclap.

YOU are invited to listen in on the call along with me and many others who are on this empowering wellness journey. The info to join the call is posted below. I am so grateful that Chef AJ opens up these calls to the plant-based community and the plant-curious!

WHAT: Chef AJ Teleclass with Rich Roll and Julie Piatt
WHEN: Thursday, April 2, 2015, 6 p.m. Pacific, 9 p.m. Eastern
CALL: 712-432-1212
MEETING ID: 263-629-008

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Color Your Stress Away

A friend sent me a link to an article about adult coloring books being all the rage in France. It instantly reminded me of when I was a little girl and would sit and color for hours. My grandmother kept coloring books and crayons in a dresser drawer she had in her front room. She kept it in a drawer I could reach. The first thing I would do when I walked in the door was go straight to that drawer, get my stash, and start coloring. No matter how I was feeling, it would always calm me and make me happy. I went through some traumatic experiences as a child and loved escaping to my grandmother's house. I was quiet as a church mouse for hours on end while I sat and colored. It comforted me in a way I didn't understand until now.

I have thought before how cool it would be to have adult coloring books with more intricate designs, but I never thought about the therapeutic aspect of coloring - how the geometric designs and color hues can affect your mood and calm your nerves.

I am sure this coloring therapy trend will soon make its way to the USA, but why wait. You can create your own designs or get some templates online and color your stress away today!

Kathy G

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Plant Pure Nation Coming to Indy!

 for the Plant Pure Nation Premier - Saturday, April 18, 2015 
12-2 p.m. at Regal Cinemas 10400 U.S. 36, Avon, IN, 46123

I am super-stoked to see the Plant Pure Nation team stopping in Indianapolis on their nationwide tour! Dr. Colin Campbell is my hero and he will be there supporting his son, Nelson Campbell who directed the documentary. I attended the kickoff rally in Louisville, KY last summer which was a blast. You would have thought a big superstar was about to perform when Dr. Campbell stepped on the stage. We all stood to our feet and went wild with thunderous applause, whistling, cheering. It went on for several minutes. I had goosebumps and was nearly in tears to see Dr. Campbell witnessing the respect he has in the plant-based community. If it wasn't for him and his bravery to stand up for the truth he discovered in his research on animal protein, we would have never known and would have continued to make uninformed choices. I'm so glad he has lived to see his work reach mainstream and I think the Plant Pure Nation documentary will take the truth even further. It's the next step in our evolution which makes this one of the most important events of our time. I am honored to be a part of it and can't wait to meetup with my plant powered friends in a few weeks so we can learn and grow together. 

It is exciting times we live in, a time when truth prevails and people can positively change the world with their vision and determination. I have no doubt that we will eventually become a PLANT PURE NATION. I just hope it will be soon enough to save ourselves, our planet and future generations. It's a choice we make by sorting through the chaos to find the truth. This documentary puts a spotlight on the problem and the solution. I hope everyone gets an opportunity to see it.

Kathy G

P.S. You can support the tour and get a copy of the DVD/Cookbook by contributing to the Plant Pure Kickstarter Campaign. 

Friday, March 20, 2015

Spring to Summer Challenge

Spring is my favorite time of the year. I love seeing everything come into bloom, getting fresh air and sunshine after being cooped up inside all winter, and moving my body more. I love that the first day of spring is International Day of Happiness. I think the first day of spring should be a national holiday! We are celebrating this day in our community with a Spring Into Happiness event where we have invited local artists and independent business owners along with not-for-profit organizations to get together and have some fun through music, games, conversation, food.. that reminds me to make sure I take a cooler of food so I'm not tempted by all the savory treats I'm sure will be available.

I have decided to start a challenge for myself and anyone who wants to participate to go from SPRING to SUMMER. I just want to pick a stretch of time and stick with the program, any program! For me, it's just getting consistent with the things I know to do like exercising daily, eating my veggies, drinking water, keeping a food journal and gratitude journal. I think what I'm going to do is write all these things down every day first thing in the morning then check them off each day. Just from Spring to Summer. I can do it! YOU can too if you want to. is linked to my Team Beachbody affiliate website. I decided to use Beachbody's platform because it has so much to offer. I LOVE their workouts, celebrity trainers, and support groups. Plus, they are now offering their workouts online for only $2.99 a week (billed quarterly). That's very reasonable in my opinion. I lost all my workout videos in the fire last August, so this is a blessing to me. Of course, you can join the site for free if you want to. That's what I love about them too. You can participate on whatever level you want to. I've been a big fan for years and it's an easy way for me to have some accountability as I make my transformation from a junk food addict to abundant health and wellness.

I invite you to join me in whatever way works for you - from NOW until the first day of summer, let's be consistent and see where it leads. I have a feeling we will be pleasantly surprised!


Thursday, March 19, 2015

Victory Acres CSA Local Organic Farm

I've never had much of a green thumb. I've grown a few things, but when the weeds come in, that's when the trouble starts because I have an allergy to some of the weeds that breaks my skin out in a rash. To work in the garden, I have to cover up with gloves, pants and long sleeves which can get really hot in the summer. So, instead of going through all that, I prefer to go to the farmer's markets.

A few years ago, I was looking online to see where the farmer's markets were located in our community and I ran across information about Victory Acres - a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) farm in Upland, Indiana which is only a few miles away from me! I couldn't believe that I had access to fresh produce so close to home. I signed up for their membership program and went to get my allotment each week. It was nice because I had access to vegetables I would have never grown or picked up at a farmer's market. They also have events throughout the summer to get their members together to learn about them, their mission, and other fun and educations events.

It's almost time for the growing season to begin. Victory Acres is offering a gift certificate for the early birds who sign up this week. If you are in a different area, you can check out which the the website where I discovered Victory Acres. I'm so glad there are people who offer local produce to their community so we don't have to guess where our food came from or what's in it. The mission they have to reach kids in the inner city is important too. It's an investment in our community and future that I am happy to make.

See you at the farm!

Kathy G

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Spring Cleaning

"Out of clutter, find simplicity." ~ Albert Einstein

I love spring. It's my favorite time of the year. It's a time when everything is in bloom and the world seems to come back to life. It's a time to clear out the clutter both in our home and in our mind because when we clear out the clutter, we open the door to abundance - I truly believe that. I believe that when clutter surrounds us, it makes it hard to concentrate, focus, be clear. After our fire last August, all our clutter was gone in an instant. That's not the way I would have chosen to clear our 30 years of accumulated stuff, but in a strange way it freed me of the desire to accumulate material things and put life in perspective. It made me realize that the most important things in life aren't things at all. So, now we have a different house, a much smaller one and already I can see things starting to accumulate. Spring is the perfect time to take inventory of those things that serve us and let the things that don't go. Pass those clothes that don't fit, the dishes and items we don't use, and the books we've read or will never read on to someone who can get some use from them.

Then, there is the clutter of the mind. How many times has too many thoughts, especially negative ones held you back in life? For me, more times than I can count. It is a good practice to regularly clear out the thoughts that do not serve us. Just let that stinkin' thinkin' go! Forgive and move forward inviting peace and harmony along the way.

How do you clean up the clutter of your mind? Forgiveness, gratitude, prayer, meditation, affirmations, deep breathing, exercise, clean eating, learn something new... it's all intertwined. Seem overwhelming? Pick one. Start somewhere. That's what I'm doing. One thought at a time!

Happy Spring.

Kathy G

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Food Not Lawns

Today, I listened to the Plant Yourself podcast #90 that featured Heather Flores who is an advocate for creating gardens instead of lawns. One of the things that stood out the most to me was when she was talking about how the oil spills from lawn care is more than the Exxon Valdez incident that spilled 11 million gallon of oil which is equivalent to 17 olympic size swimming pools!  That's crazy. I never even thought about that before.

The other thing that stood out was when Heather talked about how seeds have intrinsic value that can be used in trade. I love the idea of a seed exchange that she talked about. So many positive things can come from having a home or community garden. I think everyone should have a garden. I can't wait to get started on mine. I liked that she shared about the easiest trees to grow. I'm looking forward to reading her book. She also has a Kickstarter campaign going on right now to raise money to take her program to communities around the country. I love this and plan to support it even if it's a few dollars. We need this type of program in our world. Just think how much healthier we would all be and how much hunger it would eliminate. The possibilities are endless and exciting! 

I encourage you to check it out and support it in whatever way resonates with you.

Kathy G

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Dancing Man Body Fat Shaming

I believe the #DancingMan story has struck a cord with so many people because they know what it's like to be a victim of bullying and body shaming or fat shaming. It has happened several times in my life. The first time I can remember I was 11 or 12. I was over-developed at that age. I looked more like I was 16 or 17 than 11. Kids would make fun of me for being so much taller and bigger than them. Adults called me everything from big boned to pleasantly plump to a fat ass. More men than I can count made comments about my "big boobs" including my PE teacher! As I grew up, I learned to become "invisible"... keep quiet, blend into the crowd, be a wallflower. So, I get it. This story tugs at some heartbreaking memories. I have always said and truly believe that abuse in any form including bullying thrives in silence. By speaking up, it brings awareness perhaps to people who have no idea how much their "innocent" comments can affect someone's self-esteem. Bravo to those who care enough to speak up and step out on the dance floor! 

Kathy G

Sunday, March 8, 2015

The Arnold 2015 Review - Crowded and Inspiring

That's me giving the peace sign in the photo above. I went to The Arnold in Columbus, Ohio this weekend with my daughter and granddaughter. It was my third visit. Each time I visit I say I'm not going back because it is so unbelievably crowded in the Expo Hall. I seriously don't know how they get by with having it so packed. It is a fire and safety hazard. The only other place I have ever been that was more packed than that place was Times Square in 1999 when there were 2 million people being herded like cattle up and down the streets! That's the downside which is a big deal to me and I'm sure a lot of other people too.

The upside is so many people are into fitness! That's so exciting. I saw a lot of young people there this year. One of those young people was my 15 year old daughter that you see in the picture with me. This was her first year attending the show. She left so pumped up and inspired to get fit. She has already been working out with her mother at a local gym doing boot camp and boxing. Now she wants to add weightlifting too. It fills my heart with joy to see her excited about health and fitness because I'm hoping that will help her break the cycle of obesity that has plagued the women in our family for generations.

So, although I was not impressed with the layout at The Arnold, the trip was worth it and I would do it again. I'm just hoping the organizers take a serious look at getting a bigger space for the Expo so more people can truly benefit from the vendors who are there to help them.

Kathy G

Friday, March 6, 2015

Go Hard or Something Is Better Than Nothing

Selfie of my daughter and me at the Y yesterday

My daughter (Terra) and I have two different approaches to working out. She, being a former personal trainer, has been on me for years to train harder. She even suggested that I get one of those gadgets that monitors your heart rate and do heart rate training. Her philosophy to working out is go hard or stay home. No pain, no gain! It drives her crazy when she sees me reading a book while I'm on the treadmill. She has often asked me if I'm not going to give it all I got why bother? She pushes herself hard in the gym. She has only gotten off track when she has kids. She has three children and had to work hard to take off the weight and get back in shape after having each one. Her youngest is two and now she back to hitting the gym hard again. She works out 2-3 hours a day! She has lost 80-100 lbs three times, so her go hard approach definitely work for her. 

I believe when it comes to exercise something is better than nothing. I would rather do 20 minutes on the treadmill or elliptical (my favorite) while reading a book than do nothing at all. I would rather go for a swim or walk than jog or run and you will never see me doing triathlons or crossfit! It is good to work up a sweat, but I don't want to injure myself and get out of commission for weeks at a time which is what I often see with people who have the go hard philosophy. My objective is to avoid pain, not create it! 

Terra gave a great example of her go hard vs just showing up philosophy. She said she often does a boxing class with a friend and they chat most of the time while they workout. Her friend couldn't make it to class the other day, so she took her 15 year old daughter to spar with at the gym. She said they worked out so hard she could barely breathe and she even got a blood blister and broke two nails! I told her that was probably due to her daughter having a perfect opportunity to take out her frustration for every no she has given her. What teen wouldn't like the opportunity to take out their frustrations on their parents in a safe and fun way! Terra said she is sore everywhere and feels like she got in a really good workout that was worth her investment of time and money. 

If I did a workout like that I wouldn't be able to move the next day. Several years ago. I made the mistake of letting Terra be my personal trainer. She had me doing so many squats and lunges, I could barely sit on the toilet for a week! 

I think in the end it all boils down to what works for you. Could I stand to step up my workout some? Probably so. The new WIFI enabled cardio equipment at the gym makes it easier because now I can listen to my favorite podcasts while I workout. Hey, it's progress! 

Kathy G

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Compliant Day

Today I was compliant. I made a meal plan and stuck to the plan. Chef AJ says you're either compliant or not compliant when it comes to eating clean. To clarify, eating clean means whole food, plant based, unprocessed, SOS (sugar/oil/salt)-free. 

I am a big fan of Chef AJ's program. She and her partner in the UWL (Ultimate Weight Loss) John Pierre really know how to help junk food addicts turn their life around. 

One of the problems I always had prior to doing UWL was beating myself up when I would "fall off the wagon" and eat junk food. I would go through this vicious cycle of momentary pleasure followed by guilt and regret which would often lead to a what the hell attitude followed by binge eating. 

By making it simply compliant or non-compliant, it releases all the emotion associated with eating. I follow their advice and eat fruit and veggies at the next meal as if I never missed a beat. 

This new mindset along with all the other work I'm doing is starting to snowball. I am starting to make healthier choices that is leading to other successes like having energy to wake up early and exercise. 

Baby steps. 

Kathy G 

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Back on the Beachbody Bandwagon

I have been a fan of Beachbody since discovering their program about five years ago. I had heard of Beachbody when they first came out but I thought it was for hardcore exercise enthusiasts. I had no idea of their vast library of workouts. Once I found out that they not only have a wide range of workouts but an active and supportive community I was in. I became a coach so I could get the discount they offer to their affiliates. I collected several of the workout programs and also loved to drink Vegan Chocolate Shakeology.

Then we had the fire last August that wiped out everything we own including all my Beachbody DVDs. I remember thinking how I wish all my programs were available online so I could access them. I messaged the Beachbody CEO, Carl Daikeler on Facebook wondering if and when workouts would be available in an online library. Apparently, I wasn't the only one making this request because Beachbody on Demand is here! Now I not only have access to the programs I purchased, but 150 of their workouts for only $2.99 a week! I will gladly give up a bag of popcorn at the movies (which I shouldn't be eating anyway) to have access to these workouts and celebrity trainers!

I got so excited when I saw a post about Beachbody on Demand (check out the hashtag #BOD to learn more about the program and see what early adopters are saying about it) that I immediately signed back up to be a Beachbody coach. I not only want the discount, but I want to have access to my favorite workouts anytime, anywhere. I LOVE technology!  I also want to help others as I make my Vegformation wellness journey. So many people have told me to wait until I get in shape to share my journey with others, but I don't agree. I think we all have a story to tell and can inspire each other to make positive change.

The fitness experts all say that the best exercise is the one you will do. With Beachbody workouts being available anytime, anywhere, I can skip the excuses and get consistent with my routine. I'm starting with Tony Horton's 10 Minute Trainer. I am committing to doing this workout first thing in the morning when I get up. I'm on day two! I invite you to join me on this exciting online platform.

Let's get healthy! 

Kathy G

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Dental Health

One of the great things about the plant-based lifestyle is all the illnesses and diseases that it can reverse, but the one thing that I haven't heard of healing once the damage is done is our teeth! If you know if some holistic healing therapy for teeth, I would love to hear about it.

I went to the dentist today because a back tooth has been bothering me. About ten years ago a dentist told me that I had a hairline crack in my back tooth. He wanted to do a root canal and crown. I asked him to just fill it instead. Well, it has progressively gotten worse over the years.

When I went to a new dentist today, he said he would try to work around having to put a crown on it or doing a root canal, but he said the tooth beside the one that is bothering me is cracked too! I asked him what causes teeth to crack and I was totally surprised by his answer. MERCURY FILLINGS! He said the mercury expands and contracts in response to hot and cold temperatures which causes these hairline cracks.

His response made me curious about mercury fillings so I looked it up when I got home. The list of complications from mercury fillings (some people call them silver fillings but it's only silver in color) is quite long. I had no idea these type of fillings could cause so much trouble. I remember going to a dentist several years ago who wanted to change out the mercury fillings. I said OK to a few, but as always I wanted to keep the cost down so I didn't do them all. Now I wish I would have let the dentist change them.

I also have bone loss in my gums which the hygienist said can be hereditary but can also be caused by tarter build up which creates pockets for bacteria to get in and damage the bone. Interestingly, I had a bone regeneration procedure done several years ago and the side that was done had more bone loss than the side that was left alone. I had no idea what the dentist was doing at the time I had the oral surgery done, I was just told they were going to do a procedure to eliminate pocketing that could lead to gum disease. Had I known what all was involved with doing that I would have never agreed to the procedure. It was like something from a horror movie when I got done. I had stitches all in my gums. It was incredibly painful and scared me away from dentists for a long time.

I take good care of my teeth. I brush and floss every day, OK, sometimes I skip the floss, but I never skip brushing. I need to adopt that same habit with working out and eating clean!

It just made me think today about how important dental health is and how much that affects how we feel and our overall health.

How long has it been since your last visit to the dentist?

Kathy G

Monday, March 2, 2015

Fail to Plan, Plan to Fail

Fail to plan, plan to fail... that phrase has been playing in my head since talking with my plant-based nutrition coach, Katherine Nilbrink today and then hearing it again on a group coaching call with Chef AJ and John Pierre.

I have posted previously about my resistance to menu planning and meal preparation. It's not something I like to do. However, I understand that it is crucial to success on overcoming junk food addiction.

I rarely watch TV, but my one indulgence is The Voice. I love that show. I love that it gives people an opportunity to pursue their dreams and the chemistry between the coaches is great too. As I was watching tonight, I got to thinking about the people who are most likely to succeed on the show. It is the musicians who have prepared, trained, and planned for their art and opportunities. They practice all the time. It's not a job for them, it's art, it's fun, but it's still a lot of work especially if they make it through on The Voice.

So, it makes sense. If I want to succeed with this wellness journey, I have to do what successful people do and one of the main things they do is PLAN their meals! They do not leave it to chance what they will eat because that leaves too much room for temptation to sneak in from being too hungry. I know this. I just have to do it. Would I get up on The Voice and say, sorry I just didn't plan for success? No! I would do what I need to do to win. I want to apply that same will to my wellness journey.

Chef AJ has a saying that I like. She says, people who are unsuccessful do what's easy, people who are successful do what it takes.

So, I'm off to get some ideas and plan and prep my meal for tomorrow. Do you need some menu plan ideas too? Check out PCRM and PETA. Do you have a good resource for menus? Please share in the comments section.
