Thursday, January 22, 2015

FREE Healthy Weight Loss

There are two schools of thought when it comes to offering free products or services, one school is that people only value what they pay for and the other belief is that offering free advice and services helps establish trust and credibility.

As an entrepreneur and long-time student of grass roots marketing, I can see both sides of the fence. I've often heard that when people put their hard-earned money towards something they are more likely to do or stick with whatever they have committed to, but I have spent thousands on diets, gym memberships, and exercise programs that I did not stick with.

For me, what works best is experts that do a little bit of both. I like when they offer a free teleclass, podcast, blog post, or video that provides lots of content and informative selling (presented in a way that continues to provide value) upfront, sprinkled in, or at the end - but not hardcore high pressure selling, bait and switch, or posing as content when it's obvious selling, that's a huge turn off.

I do like when the business people I follow have products or services available that they put on their website or social media page and they are very upfront about it, not make me read through a long sales page or watch a long video to get to the product or service. There is a delicate balance I guess, but the main thing is to provide lots of value.

Gary Vaynerchuk sums it up nicely in his book, Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook when he says that you provide value most of the time and then follow up with an offer for your product or service. It's win, win for everyone that way.

I have been following Chef AJ for a few years and she does this balance of free versus sell quite well. She provides tons of value with her free videos and weekly calls. I got to know, like and trust her (critical components in selling) and started looking for her products and paying attention to the things she recommends. I purchased a Yonanas banana ice cream maker, banana slicer and electric pressure cooker after watching her videos. I purchased her Unprocessed 30 Day Challenge DVD and am excited about her newest program, Ultimate Weight Loss with John Pierre.

So, FREE with integrity works for me and usually leads to a sell. I love when people put the focus on helping others and then provide products and services that their audience wants and needs. That's what I try to do too. Most of the product links in my blogs leads to my Amazon affiliate link. It's not much, but throws a few coins my way and cost the reader nothing extra. Win. Win. I'm also working on a book about my plant-based journey and will offer that for sale eventually too, but really that's it. I just want to share my journey and maybe help a few people on their journey too.

If FREE works for you too, be sure to check out Chef AJ's website for the FREE weekly teleclasses she has on Thursdays. She offers recordings for people who can't listen live. She is also working on a Healthy Living TV show. I can't wait to see that. I'm betting it will be free too!

Free with integrity. Everybody wins!


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