Sunday, January 4, 2015

Vegan Education Resources: Dr. T. Colin Campbell

 The China Study

When I first became a vegetarian, I didn't know where to turn to learn about eating healthy because everyone seemed to have conflicting information. Are eggs OK? If not, where do I get my protein (I wish I had a dollar for every time I heard that question, I would be a millionaire!). What is tofu? What about oil and margarine? If that's not healthy, what are good alternatives? The answers just made me more confused. So, I did what I often do when I get confused. I find out who is the best in the field and learn from them however I can whether it's by watching their videos, reading their books, attending seminars they are at, or taking their courses. But, who was the best in the plant-based nutrition field?

I started researching and discovered that Cornell University has one of the best nutrition programs in the country. Since I live far away from the east coast, I looked for online courses and learned about their online plant-based nutrition certificate program through eCornell. I signed up for the course and it opened up a whole new world to me. The program offers a wealth of scientific based information and introduced me to Dr. T. Colin Campbell.

Dr. Campbell is a hero in my eyes. His 50 years of scientific research in the nutrition field revealed truths that he felt compelled to share despite the obstacles and consequences he faced with the big ag companies that funded the research. I continue to follow T. Colin Campbell to this day. He has inspired this journey I am on.

I saw Dr. Campbell last year at the inaugural Plant Pure Nation Rally in Louisville, Kentucky. The roar of the crowd when he walked on stage was bigger than anything I have ever seen. The crowd of about 5,000 people sounded like 50,000. We all stood to our feet and cheered for at least five minutes. It gave me goosebumps. Dr. Campbell was very humble about it as if he didn't know what all the fuss was about.

Dr. Campbell has a website that provides a wealth of information at If you aren't familiar with his work, I highly recommend you check it out starting with The China Study and the companion China Study Cookbooks.

There are MANY more vegan education resources I plan to highlight throughout the year. Stay tuned!

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