Sunday, February 15, 2015

Junk Food Addiction? Just Keep Swimming!

Note from my future fit self: You will get there, just keep swimming! Thank you for not giving up on me!

Now, I could focus on the details of all the negative things I'm going through as I transition away from a junk food addiction and leaning into the plant-based lifestyle. I could list the things I eat that do not serve my body or the greater good or talk about dealing with the fallout of being morbidly obese, but what purpose would that serve?

Or I could focus on the things that are helping pull me out of the pit of despair. Things in the form of books like Unprocessed, The Pillars of Health, Quantum Wellness, and many others that I will write about in upcoming reviews, experts like Chef AJ, John Pierre, Katherine Nilbrink, and Susan Peirce Thompson, and a group of supportive like-minded people who are determined to live their healthiest life.

If by some twist of fate you happen across this blog post and you are struggling with food addiction, my future fit self has a message for you too... Surround yourself with reliable resources and positive people who keep moving forward no matter how many times they fall down. Just keep swimming!

Kathy G

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