Thursday, February 5, 2015

Replenishing Willpower

My plant based nutrition coach sent out her newsletter today inviting her followers to check out her friend and psychologist Susan Peirce Thompson's presentation on the mistakes dieters make. I was very curious about that and followed the link.

Have you ever received information that feels like finding the missing piece to a puzzle? That's what Dr. Thompson's message was like for me. I could especially relate to your message about willpower. Oh how I have struggled with willpower over the years. Feeling like a failure time and time again. I even said it the other day to my coach when I ate a few chips and some pizza rolls after I had committed to eating whole-food, plant-based January 1st - July 4th. I told her lack of planning and follow through with my diet felt like a character flaw. After seeing this video, I get it!

It is such an incredible relief to know that I'm not missing some intelligence gene that is keeping me from losing weight. I have never thought of willpower as something that can be depleted and never dreamed of the simple solutions to replenish it. This information is like hearing the angels sing! I'm so excited to learn more about the psychology behind overeating and get a grip on my wellness journey once and for all.

If you struggle with food addiction and maintaining a healthy weight, I highly recommend you sign up for Dr. Thompson's updates and watch the video below.

Kathy G

Daily Report

B - Green smoothie
L - Salad, cherry tomatoes, Simdabeweo Salad
D - Skipped - Not hungry

50 Squats


Gratitude Journal
Five Things I am Grateful for today...

1. Chef AJ - I love her plant-based abundance approach to optimal health and weight loss. I love that she offers FREE teleclasses every Thursday to help us on our plant-based wellness journey. On the call tonight she is interviewing Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn Jr!

2. My temp job - I've done the same temp job off and on for 10 years. They call me in when they need administrative help. It works for me. It provides income and yet doesn't permanently tie me down so I can pursue my entrepreneurial dreams. The job I'm doing now is in HR and it is usually very quiet so it gives me an opportunity to listen to podcasts while I work. I love that. It's like I'm getting paid to learn! Today I listened to marketing guru Ali Brown, weight loss coach and psychology professor Susan Peirce Thompson and plant-based cardiologist/endurance athlete Dr. Jami Dulaney. 

3. Facebook - Facebook is my social media platform of choice. I use the others too like Twitter, Instagram, Google+ and YouTube, but Facebook is the one I connect with the most. I love that they have groups where you can get support, share helpful information, and engage with each other and your mentors. Jim Rohn says you are the average of the 5 people you hang out with. Facebook gives me the opportunity to hang out with people who I admire and aspire to be like such as Louise Hay, Chef AJ, Mimi Kirk, Katherine Nilbrink, Ali Brown, Sandy Krakowski!

4. Fresh Fruit and veggies - I'm so grateful for food that nourishes my body and makes me healthy. It's God's bounty that is full of energy and life that goes into me to share with you!

5. My BFF - We have been friends for over 30 years and can easily reconnect no matter how much time goes by.

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