Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Money and Food

Right now I'm stressed to the max about money. I wish I could feel ok about money so I could attract it to me, but I hate money. Hate that everything comes down to money including health care and the food industry. Don't get me started on those two topics! 

It's easy to say it's not about money when you aren't worried about your mortgage or taxes or utilities or food in your fridge. I want to escape this feeling of worry and anxiety. The problem is my escape has always been food! How do I deal with this flood of emotions without giving in to cravings? I wish there was an easy answer. It feels like I'm in a rowboat in The Perfect Storm! 

Oh wait, I just realized I haven't eaten breakfast yet. Food to the rescue! I wish it didn't have to be like that, but it's amazing how much better I feel just eating a banana and some blueberries. It's an instant mood lifter getting that sugar rush to my brain. Saved from drowning one banana at a time! 

Well, here it is a couple hours later and I ran across a Dave Ramsey video. I think God is trying to tell me something. Dave talks about creating a budget. Just a few days ago I heard a similar speech about menu planning from my plant based nutrition coach. I'm starting to see a pattern here! 

I am even less inclined to create a budget than a meal plan. Fail to plan, plan to fail. Those words are ringing in my ears. Write it down, make it happen. That's my new mantra and it's rattling around in my mind too! 

So, it all becomes a matter of choice. Will I continue to worry and stress about money and food or will I do what I do best, WRITE it down! 


It is now the next day and the stress of yesterday is gone, thank goodness. The best part is I stuck to my plan and didn't eat junk food or binge eat! That's a big win in my books. 

Now that I have calmed down, I realize that I don't hate money. I appreciate what it can do for people. I just don't like what it does to people. 

I almost talked myself out of posting this but I know that the things we hesitate to talk about are the things people can most relate to and can be helped by. So, once again I'm stepping out of my comfort zone and putting it out there. 

If you stress eat because of money worries or haven't had much success with wellness and weight loss, maybe something you discover here will help you on your journey. I don't know about you, but I need all the help I can get when it comes to money and food! 

Kathy G 

This isn't the Dave Ramsey video I watched, but it's the same concept and he even says some of the same things. If you want me to post the video I watched comment below and I will find it! 

Daily Report

1. Clothes that fit.
2. God
5. Dr. Catey - a dentist who volunteers to provide dental care at the local Bridges to Health Clinic for people who can't afford to go to the dentist. Where would we be without caring and generous in the world. Very grateful for people who care. 

B - 32 oz water with lemon, Orange & Banana
L - 20 oz water, Celery & PB, Salad w/salsa
D - 32 oz water, Simdabewea Salad 

50 squats 

Energy Level = 3 

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