Saturday, February 28, 2015

The Morning After Pill

I wish there was a morning after pill for overeating. A pill that would make all the symptoms go away: guilt, regret, bloating, upset stomach, acid reflux, bad breath, runny nose, headache and a host of other ills that seem to go hand in hand with eating too much junk food.

The only quick fix I am aware of is abstinence. Chef AJ and John Pierre of Ultimate Weight Loss (the program I follow when I'm not falling off the wagon) recommend eating only fruits and veggies the day after eating junk food to help you cleanse your internal body and get back on track. I'm starting with lemon water!

I will get up as many times as it takes. I am strong. I am healthy. I am worthy of love and self-care... Affirmations are my morning after pill. What's yours?

Kathy G

Friday, February 27, 2015

Bad Binge Day

Why don't I crave kale instead of pizza?! 

No matter how much I ate today I didn't feel full. I ate pizza and chocolate candy. Drank a big gulp rootbeer and 20 oz iced coffee. I am trying to think what could have triggered a binge. I haven't had one in a while. I ate my greens in a smoothie this morning. Maybe it was the oil in the veggie fajitas I had for lunch? I have no idea, but my eating had felt out of control all day. Damn! Just when I think I have a grip on this junk food addiction the devil rears his ugly head. I wish I was rich so I could go to rehab at True North! But I live in the real world where you have to figure out how to live among the junk food without being consuming it and not be consumed by it. Today goes to the junk food demon. Tomorrow I will pray for God's protection and try again. 

Kathy G

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Two Grand Food Journal App

I mentioned on previous blog posts that I am following the advice of two plant-based nutrition experts: Katherine Nilbrink and Chef AJ. Chef AJ has an awesome program called Ultimate Weight Loss. She has teamed up with fitness expert John Pierre. Part of Chef AJ's program is a very active Facebook Group. I used to think I could do everything on my own, but after falling down one too many times, I realize how much a community of positive, like-minded people can help support you on your wellness journey.

All three experts advise keeping a food journal. I love to write, but for some reason I find food journaling a chore. However, I LOVE technology, so I was curious if a good food journal exists. I know there is an APP for everything!

In the UWL group I kept seeing people mention Two Grand. At first it wasn't on my radar what it was, but then when John Pierre posted, "I hope you are keeping a food journal," several people responded saying they use TWO GRAND. That prompted me to check it out.

Two Grand is like using Instagram to keep track of your food intake. You simply take a picture of what you are eating. I remember doing that with my camera a few years ago, but Two Grand keeps track of it and you can share it if you want to. You can also set goals, follow your friends, and participate in challenges like "No eating after 8 p.m., 50 pushups, drink 80 oz of water daily," etc.

I'm going to give it a try. You can follow me @Vegformation and I will follow you back!

Kathy G

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Have You Been to the Gym Lately?

Our local Y got new Technogym equipment a few days ago and it is a game changer! Most of the cardio equipment has WiFi enabled computer screens. I could spend the whole day on the elliptical listening to podcasts. You can also watch YouTube videos or TV, read, listen to music, plug in your own phone...all while doing a programmed routine or your own thing and getting stats about your workout.

I have been working out the past two days and when the equipment timer goes off at 30 minutes, I don't want to stop! That's a first. Usually, I'm looking at the clock every few minutes to see how much time I have left. I LOVE to learn and if I can get a workout in at the same time, that's a perfect combination. I already want to get up earlier so I can get more time in at the gym. That's progress!

If you haven't been to the gym lately, it's definitely worth going in and seeing how technology is changing the wellness world for the better!

Kathy G

Monday, February 23, 2015

Happy Day

I can't think of a better way to celebrate birthdays than with family. I have four grandkids. This pic I took tonight with my youngest granddaughter. She is one of the main reasons I want to get healthy. I want to make sure I'm around to not only see her grow up but to be an active part of her life by doing fun things together, going on adventures, playing in the park, and whatever else we can find to do. 

As I start another chapter of my life, I am keeping my grandkids in mind. 

What keeps you motivated to stay on track with your healthy eating program? 

Kathy G 

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Mental Detox

My conclusion at the end of this three day detox is that perhaps what I needed wasn't a food detox but a mental detox. This particular detox had a holistic component which I enjoyed, things like writing and relaxation exercises - things to get you to slow down and examine your life. That was very helpful and insightful. The food part wasn't for me. The menu called for things I didn't care to eat, so I just skipped the meal which I know isn't the healthiest thing to do. The interesting thing about the detox was that I craved foods such as oranges, potatoes and carrots with hummus, not junk food, which is a big step forward to me. So, maybe the detox accomplished what it was meant to.

Overall, I'm grateful for the experience because I now know detox programs are not my cup of tea, but the mental cleanse and clarity is something I want to continue doing!

Kathy G

As I was thinking about the lessons of this three day detox and discovered that what I needed was a mental detox, I looked up supporting resources as I often do and ran across this book Mental Detox by Cheyenne Bryant who has helped celebrities get past self-sabotaging and limiting beliefs. I'm looking forward to reading it.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Detox Day 2 of 3

Day 2 of my detox involves pampering myself but I forgot to get the epsom salt and a few other spa items from the store. I'm not one to sit in the bath. I usually take a shower and go, go, go which makes it all the more important to pamper myself once in a while. So, I plan to pick up the stuff for a home spa treatment tomorrow and take some time to detox my pores and relax. 

Day 2 food wise was a little tougher because I feel nauseous. I don't know which is worse - to eat the food and vomit or not eat at all. I'm somewhere in between right now. I eat a little bit but having a hard time choking it down. It's not bad food, I eat steamed broccoli and cauliflower all the time. I've never blended it into a soup before. It's amazing how much that changes the taste. I'm just glad I only have one more day. No way could I do a detox more than three days. I'm surprised I've lasted this long. It's more determination than anything. I just want to push the reset button and do what it takes to stay on track with my plant strong program and the detox felt like a great way to start. Now I'm having second thoughts about that, but I'm staying committed to the process! 

Kathy G 

Friday, February 20, 2015

Detox Day 1 of 3

I am working with two top-notch plant-based nutrition coaches: Katherine Nilbrink and Chef AJ. I'll talk more about what I'm doing with Chef AJ's program in a future post. I am working with Katherine one-on-one. I first connected with her when she was the instructor for the T. Colin Campbell Plant-Based Nutrition Certification course  I was taking through eCornell University. That was about three years ago. Katherine has seen how I have struggled to transition to a whole-food, plant-based lifestyle and lose weight. She offered to help me at the beginning of this year. She is working on rolling out a couple new programs that I will share with you when they are ready. You could say I'm her BETA tester. I am more than willing to be the guinea pig for this program because I believe in the whole-food plant-based lifestyle. I want to get healthy and help others along the way.

First up on Katherine's program is a 3-day detox that I have been putting off because I didn't think I would stick with it. I wanted to tie it in with something which turned out to be my birthday. I will turn 52 on Monday, so the days leading up to my birthday is when I decided to do the detox. I want to be able to start a new chapter in my life that is opposite direction of food addiction and leave behind all the baggage that comes with it.

Today is Day 1 of 3 for the Detox. I took the day off work today and stayed in bed as long as I could. I think I was still trying to delay starting the detox program! I just didn't want to have to think about food. I'm tired of it being an issue, which is why I ultimately decided to get up and get on with it.

Surprisingly, I'm not hungry today. No cravings. I drank 32 oz of water with lemon when I got up which is something I do every day anyway. No change there. I waited until I got hungry to have "breakfast" which was late afternoon. I feel pretty good so far. No detox symptoms.

If I complete this detox, which I fully expect to do, it will be the first time in my life that I have completed one. I've tried to do juice fasts a couple times, but barely made it through the first day. I think I made it to the second day once, but it was a struggle.

This detox doesn't feel depriving at all. It also involves other holistic aspects of life beyond food like pampering yourself - that's my kind of detox!

I'm looking forward to this detox because I believe it will pave the way to a life of abundant health and energy that is waiting for me!

Kathy G

Here's a delicious looking detox water recipe!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Food Addiction

I just got this book on Amazon and am reading it tonight!

Yesterday, I went to church, had a cross of ashes placed upon my forehead and confessed my sins before God. I swore off sugar, oil, and salt for the 40 days of Lent. I actually want to swear off of it longer than that, like forever! I don't like anything having control over me. I questioned whether it did, but being 150 lbs overweight points in that direction, and today proved it beyond a shadow of doubt. I just finished eating two helpings of spaghetti with mushrooms, onions and green peppers cooked in olive oil and spaghetti sauce along with four slices of toast with garlic butter on it. I ate veggies cooked in oil for lunch too. It was just a little bit I told myself. Now I see where a little bit leads to. 

It all reminds me of the scene in Bram Stroker's Dracula (the one where Gary Oldman plays Dracula) and a group of people come in baring crosses thinking that will destroy Dracula, but it has no affect on him. This food addiction feels like Dracula and I feel like Mina lusting after junk food. 

As defeated as I feel when I give into cravings, there is a warrior inside me that dares to rise up with God overshadowing me. I will keep the faith. I will keep doing what it takes. I know it's not easy, but it will be worth it to rid my body of this demon! 

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

What Is Your Vice?

Today is the day! Ash Wednesday. Lent. The day we give up our vice for 40 days! 

What is your vice? Not sure? If it's not necessary for life (like air, water, shelter) and you can't go even a few days without it, most likely it's a vice! 

For me, that vice is three things rolled into one called SOS - SUGAR, OIL, SALT. Those three things individually and combined have been my vice for as long as I can remember. 

I have always loved sweet treats, especially chocolate, salty fries and potato chips - I have even put salt on fruits like tomatoes and watermelon, and all sorts of veggies fried or sautéed in oil, especially mushrooms and onions. Yum! 

The problem with this vice is that it has led to morbid obesity for me. I weighed in this morning at 305 lbs which is down 10 lbs from the beginning of the year, but still double the size I should be for optimal health. 

If it was just the weight, it wouldn't be an issue to me. I've been overweight most of my life and have learned to deal with it. Unfortunately, it's about more than the weight, much more. It's about the disease and incredible lethargy that comes with carrying around an extra 150 lbs. 

The older I get, the harder it is to carry two of me around. I'm so ready to let go of all the baggage and I know I need help to do it. That's where Lent comes in. 

Lent is a period of abstinence starting Ash Wednesday and leading up to Easter. It's a time to lean not on your own understanding, but to trust in The Lord. 

So, that's what I'm going to do. I've never done Lent before. I know deep in my soul that this is something I must do. I've tried so many diets, enough to know they don't work. It's time to try having a little faith and follow a path that was laid out for us thousands of years before we were born. Let the Lent begin! 

Kathy G

In the video below, Darren Hardy (the publisher of my favorite magazine, SUCCESS) talks about vices and challenges us to give up one vice for 30 days. Can you do it?

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Fat Tuesday Day of Indulgence or Absolution

I happened to look up at the calendar and noticed "Shrove Tuesday" on it. I've never heard of it so of course I Googled it. It is associated with two big events. Lent and Mardi Gras! It is also referred to as Fat Tuesday because that is the day when people traditionally indulge and party before they commit to giving something up for Lent.

Fat Tuesday reminds me of the "diet" mentality that I've had for many years which is to overeat junk food the day before I know I'm going to start a restrictive eating plan. After nearly 40 years of doing this, I have it down to a science. I am sure that habit of indulging followed by dieting has played a significant role in the binge eating and food addiction I am now working diligently to overcome.

I have never participated in Lent before, but I think I will this year. I want to give up SUGAR/OIL/SALT. The mere thought of "giving something up" makes me want to indulge "one last time"... is it ever one last time? I'm guessing that is where "Fat Tuesday" comes in!

So, I gave myself free reign today to have whatever I want before I start Lent tomorrow and I really surprised myself. I only had a few homemade potato chips and some popcorn at the movies. That indulgence is very mild compared to some of my free for all indulge yourself days where I have restaurant hopped having oil soaked fries, multiple servings of sweet tea, Hershey Pie, cookies, cake, candy, ice cream, and a host of other highly addictive foods. I think the switch has flipped for me. My partying and indulging days are behind me. I just want to be healthy. I much prefer the original meaning of Shrove Tuesday where we repent and ask for God's helping in dealing with our issues.

Goodbye Fat Tuesday, no more pancakes for me. Bring on the kale or maybe those low-fat raw vegan cinnamon rolls in the video below!

Kathy G


Monday, February 16, 2015


I ate an egg yesterday and feel more guilty about that than any junk food I have ever consumed. Once you become aware of  the meaning behind words like earthlings and carnism, there is no turning back. 

Since eating the egg yesterday I watched two videos that showed baby chicks being ground up alive and getting their beaks seared off.  Why do they have to do that? Give them room to roam and treat them humanely. It's the least we can do if we are going to eat them. Even though I don't eat the meat, eating the eggs still supports that industry and I just can't do it. So no more eggs for me, my mind can no longer justify it. 

Kathy G 

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Junk Food Addiction? Just Keep Swimming!

Note from my future fit self: You will get there, just keep swimming! Thank you for not giving up on me!

Now, I could focus on the details of all the negative things I'm going through as I transition away from a junk food addiction and leaning into the plant-based lifestyle. I could list the things I eat that do not serve my body or the greater good or talk about dealing with the fallout of being morbidly obese, but what purpose would that serve?

Or I could focus on the things that are helping pull me out of the pit of despair. Things in the form of books like Unprocessed, The Pillars of Health, Quantum Wellness, and many others that I will write about in upcoming reviews, experts like Chef AJ, John Pierre, Katherine Nilbrink, and Susan Peirce Thompson, and a group of supportive like-minded people who are determined to live their healthiest life.

If by some twist of fate you happen across this blog post and you are struggling with food addiction, my future fit self has a message for you too... Surround yourself with reliable resources and positive people who keep moving forward no matter how many times they fall down. Just keep swimming!

Kathy G

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Where is The Love

Happy Valentine's Day! This is the designated day of love. The day when chocolate flow like lava all over the USA. I just wonder if we substitute chocolate and junk food for the love we crave? I think we do. I know I do. I have been married for 32 years. Passion has long faded and been replaced by something stronger, but I still long for the passion of my younger days. I try to find things to fill the void like reading, writing and watching romantic movies, but it still leaves me wanting some days. I think the biggest challenge of my life will be to learn how to channel that energy. I am learning that by eating foods that nourish my body, I am loving myself and by loving myself I am able to love others even more. That is the best Valentine's gift of all.

Kathy G

Enjoy some Valentine's Truffles by Dara!

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Take Me to Church - Water Fasting and Prayer

Last night I went to a random church with my best friend. We haven't been to church for a long time and decided it was time to get back into the habit. I really didn't have any expectations from attending church, but I was curious why we were led to that particular church. Although I have strong faith, I've never been big on going to church because I have always believed that you can worship God anywhere and I've never understood all the different religions and their various doctrines. I guess I would call myself a non-denominational Christian. I like to listen to Joyce Meyer and Joel Osteen. I love their positive and uplifting approach to preaching. I majorly went off my clean eating plan yesterday for reasons that seem like excuses, but I would say it was basically because I didn't consume nutritious foods which left me susceptible to self-sabotaging choices when it came time to refuel. So, here I am sitting in the church listening to the preacher talk about how he cannot help his parishioners, that they must lean on God for understanding. He told a story of how he has only called upon his pastor three times in the past 15 years. He said when someone goes to the elder pastor he recommends that they fast on only water and pray for three days and then let him know if they still have a question. Was that the message God sent me there to hear? Can I fast on water for three days and pray to get over food addiction? That is the question I want the answer to. I know I cannot do it alone. I know I am totally dependent on God to guide me and see me through. However, I believe I have been being like the pastor's flock and depending on others to guide me out of this storm. I highly value professional advice, but I know it doesn't hold a candle to God's will. I really want to do the water fast and prayer, but Valentine's Day is Saturday and I'm pretty sure my husband will want to go out to eat. Do I go and just drink water? That will be a real test of my willpower which is already stretched thin. OK, here's the plan. My birthday is February 23rd. I think I will start the water fast on the 19th which is the Chinese New Year and continue to my birthday which is a Monday. I always look at Mondays as a fresh start and with it being my birthday too, that's perfect timing. 

My prayer is to break the cycle of addiction and eat unprocessed, plant-based whole food from my birthday on. That is my intention and vision. If it is God's will, consider it done.

Kathy G


Daily Report Exercise 50 Squat & Reaches T25 Meals B - 32 oz water L - 15 Bean Soup, Apple salad with apples, raisins, walnuts D - Energy - 4 Gratitude Journal 1. I am grateful for faith 2. I am grateful for forgiveness 3. I am grateful for nourishing food 4. I am grateful for supportive friends 5. I am grateful for my eternal father in heaven who loves me unconditionally

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Self Sabotage and The Bug

Have you ever heard that song by Mary Chapin Carpenter called The Bug? I used to think that was an odd song, "Sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug. Today that song makes sense. 

Sometimes I can clearly see what I want for my life like I'm looking through a crystal clear windshield and all lights are green. Go, go, go! I can see the destination, but am not quite there yet. Still I keep moving forward full throttle and feel like a champ for every step I take in the right direction.

Then there are days where I feel like a bug going a hundred miles an hour head on into that windshield. Splat! All my windshield days feel undone on my bug days. 

Self-sabotage is a curious thing. What possesses one to do things that are not in their best interest like eat junk food or to not do things that are in their best interest like exercise. 

I read, study, and listen to the experts for hours on end. It makes perfect sense when I hear their advice, yet I still put crap in my mouth! What gives? How will I ever change this limiting behavior? 

I've been told to go easy on myself when I slip up and I've also been told that I really must not want to be healthy and lose weight as much as I say I do if I don't stay on track. It's a battle I tell ya. I never been addicted to drugs in the traditional sense of the word, but I certainly feel addicted to SOS (sugar, oil, salt) and believe  that it is every bit as addictive as the strongest pharmaceutical drug. 

I wish I could afford to go to rehab - someplace like True North, Happy Oasis, Tree of Life, or even the Holistic Holiday at Sea - to detox, reset my brain, and get past old self-limiting habits without all the temptation around. But, that's not an option for me at the moment, so I will just have to keep scraping myself off the windshield, keep flapping my wings, and keep praying that one of these days I will fly. 

Kathy G 

Daily Report

50 Squat & Reach


B - 20 oz water, Few bites of cold oats (yuck)

L - 20 oz water, couple bites of steamed potatoes with ketchup, then went to Taco Bell - Taco Salad, Fiesta Potatoes, 4 cinnabons (dopamine rush!)

S - 1 and 1/2 breadsticks with cheese dip

D - 16 oz water, egg drop soup, spring roll, veggies with fried rice

S - Onion rings, Chocolate shake

I have updated the food journal the next morning because I ended up eating more food. It was a bad day eating wise and resembles many other days from my past where I gave in to cravings for junk food. The mistake I have made in the past is thinking that there are few consequences beyond an upset stomach and some weight gain. It's a vicious cycle that I realize I need help to shake. I'm going straight to the top on this one and asking God for help. 

Gratitude Journal

Five Things I am Grateful for today...

1. am grateful for second chances ten thousand times over 

2. I am grateful for forgiveness and need to practice it on myself 

3. I am grateful to be going to church tonight with my best friend because I think some of my cravings are actually spiritual hunger

4 I am grateful my son is overcoming his addiction and is starting a new job in a few days. I am so proud of him for being a warrior 

5. I am grateful for the bug days as hard as they are it makes me appreciate the windshield days and my inevitable success will be all the sweeter! 

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Should Sugar Be Outlawed

I've heard about the evils of refined sugar for many years, but I've never made the connection like I did when I listened to psychology professor Susan Peirce Thompson talk about how heroine and cocaine are made. It's the same process.  The essence of a plant is refined into a powdery white substance. It's the same process! 

Why has that never soaked in before? More proof that when the student is ready, the teacher appears! 

No wonder it has been so hard to stop eating sweets and why the cakes my husband brings home from the bakery outlet down the road seem to be calling my name. 

It does make me wonder how one drug is used in nearly everything we eat and the other similar drugs get the dealer locked away in prison for many years. Could it be, dare I say it... MONEY?!!! 

Our brain cells are being high jacked for profit. I don't know about you, but it's unacceptable to me. The price of eating sugar is way too high. It costs us quality of life. Sugar may not be outlawed in society, but it is to me. I'm beyond tired of letting this drug control my life. 

Kathy G 

To see Susan's video, visit

Daily Report

50 squats & reaches 
30 minute swim

B - 32 oz water with lemon, Green Smoothie with spinach, banana, cashew milk, and cacao
L - leftover pinto beans with steamed potatoes
D - 15 bean soup 

1. I am grateful for the YMCA where I can swim year round! 
2. I am grateful to have an open and receptive mind about the plant based lifestyle 
3. I am grateful for reliable transportation 
4. I am grateful for foods that nourish my body.
5. I am grateful that I am free to choose health and happiness. 

Monday, February 9, 2015

A Vegan's Best Friend

All my appliances burned up in a fire we had last August. You never know how much you take things for granted until you lose everything! A friend sent me a blender right away. I was so grateful for that. But there was another appliance I quickly started missing which was my veggie steamer. I happened to be in the Goodwill the other day and found this Black & Decker Steamer for $3.00. It works like a charm. Now, that's what I call a bargain!

I love making steamed potatoes, cauliflower and broccoli in it. It just takes a few minutes and it's done. No oil, no mess. It's a busy vegan's best friend!

Kathy G

Daily Report

50 squat & reaches

B - Green smoothie
L - Veggie burger, tomato florentine soup
D - Steamed potatoes (a few fried ones too - it's so hard to cook one meal for myself and a different meal for the family, I'll keep working on it, but geez, it's like an alcoholic being the bartender!) with ketchup, pinto beans

1. I am grateful for all my plant-based mentors
2. I am grateful for this blog which keeps me accountable
3. I am grateful for my steamer and blender which helps me eat plant-based
4. I am grateful for my family.
5. I am grateful for God, always.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Control Your Environment or It Will Control You

"Control your environment or it will control you.' ~ John Pierre

One of the biggest challenges on my wellness journey is my environment. Junk food and processed food are everywhere! It means I have to rely on willpower at all hours of the day and night to not eat cookies, cakes, ice cream, pizza, and other unhealthy foods.

I was watching John Pierre talk on the Ultimate Weight Loss DVDs and what he said made so much sense to me. He said, "Control your environment or it will control you!" He went on to say that we cannot rely on willpower to stay away from processed foods because even just seeing a picture of it can trigger a craving. He shared a lot of great tips on how to avoid tempting junk foods when it's in your environment. I'm going to give them a try this week. I'm sure it's much easier to control what foods are in your environment when it's just you at home, but when you live with people who aren't health conscious and have no desire to be, you have to get creative. I asked my husband to take his cakes and other junk foods to his "Mancave" so it's out of site. Still, there is almost always something in the fridge or cabinets that can sabotage the best made plans. It's a constant effort with lots of refining. Just this morning I gave into a craving when I was making pancakes for everyone else.

I am also going to practice the visualization techniques John Pierre talks about in the Ultimate Weight Loss program. I'm really surprised I haven't thought of it myself before since I teach about vision boarding! He shows us how to take it to the next level. I believe that we need all the resources and support we can get on this journey. I will never give up on my wellness and weight loss goals no matter how many times I fall down.

If you struggle with food addiction and emotional eating like me, I highly recommend that you follow people like John Pierre, Chef AJ, Katherine Nilbrink and Susan Peirce Thompson. They are helping me tremendously!

Kathy G

Daily Report

50 Squats
30 Minute Walk

B - Pancakes & Syrup (I know, not nutritious!)
L - 32 oz water, Pretzel Bites
D - 32 oz water, Spaghetti and applesauce

1. I am grateful for the interesting people I met this weekend.
2. I am grateful for this beautiful day.
3. I am grateful for my health.
4. I am grateful for inspiring and giving people of the world.
5. I am grateful for great books people write to help us get healthy and live our best life!

Friday, February 6, 2015

Is Cauliflower the New Kale?

I love cauliflower. It's almost as versatile as potatoes! You can eat it raw, steam it, bake it, roast it, fry it grill it, mash it... You can even make into buffalo wings, popcorn, pizza crust, and cheese! Below are links to a few of my favorite cauliflower recipes. What is your favorite way to eat cauliflower? 

Cauliflower Cheese

Cauliflower Alfredo

Cauliflower Pizza Crust

Cauliflower Kettle Corn

Kathy G

Daily Report

B - oatmeal with apples, cinnamon and raisins
L - tofu with beans, rice, onions, mushrooms, salsa, five tortilla chips
Mid-afternoon Snack - orange
D - stuffed portobello mushrooms, spinach and mango salad, banana cacao smoothie

50 squats
50 overhead presses with dumbbells

Energy level

Gratitude Journal
Five Things I'm Grateful for...

1. I am grateful for feeling the dopamine "feel good" rush from life and exercise rather than from food!

2. I am grateful that I wake up in time to see the sun rise.

3. I am grateful for tomorrow because even though it's not promised to us, it is full of hope and opportunity.

4. I am grateful for the educators of the world because through them we can grow stronger in mind, body and spirit.

5. I am grateful that my granddaughter's surgery for a deviated septum went well and that she is making a speedy recovery. 

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Replenishing Willpower

My plant based nutrition coach sent out her newsletter today inviting her followers to check out her friend and psychologist Susan Peirce Thompson's presentation on the mistakes dieters make. I was very curious about that and followed the link.

Have you ever received information that feels like finding the missing piece to a puzzle? That's what Dr. Thompson's message was like for me. I could especially relate to your message about willpower. Oh how I have struggled with willpower over the years. Feeling like a failure time and time again. I even said it the other day to my coach when I ate a few chips and some pizza rolls after I had committed to eating whole-food, plant-based January 1st - July 4th. I told her lack of planning and follow through with my diet felt like a character flaw. After seeing this video, I get it!

It is such an incredible relief to know that I'm not missing some intelligence gene that is keeping me from losing weight. I have never thought of willpower as something that can be depleted and never dreamed of the simple solutions to replenish it. This information is like hearing the angels sing! I'm so excited to learn more about the psychology behind overeating and get a grip on my wellness journey once and for all.

If you struggle with food addiction and maintaining a healthy weight, I highly recommend you sign up for Dr. Thompson's updates and watch the video below.

Kathy G

Daily Report

B - Green smoothie
L - Salad, cherry tomatoes, Simdabeweo Salad
D - Skipped - Not hungry

50 Squats


Gratitude Journal
Five Things I am Grateful for today...

1. Chef AJ - I love her plant-based abundance approach to optimal health and weight loss. I love that she offers FREE teleclasses every Thursday to help us on our plant-based wellness journey. On the call tonight she is interviewing Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn Jr!

2. My temp job - I've done the same temp job off and on for 10 years. They call me in when they need administrative help. It works for me. It provides income and yet doesn't permanently tie me down so I can pursue my entrepreneurial dreams. The job I'm doing now is in HR and it is usually very quiet so it gives me an opportunity to listen to podcasts while I work. I love that. It's like I'm getting paid to learn! Today I listened to marketing guru Ali Brown, weight loss coach and psychology professor Susan Peirce Thompson and plant-based cardiologist/endurance athlete Dr. Jami Dulaney. 

3. Facebook - Facebook is my social media platform of choice. I use the others too like Twitter, Instagram, Google+ and YouTube, but Facebook is the one I connect with the most. I love that they have groups where you can get support, share helpful information, and engage with each other and your mentors. Jim Rohn says you are the average of the 5 people you hang out with. Facebook gives me the opportunity to hang out with people who I admire and aspire to be like such as Louise Hay, Chef AJ, Mimi Kirk, Katherine Nilbrink, Ali Brown, Sandy Krakowski!

4. Fresh Fruit and veggies - I'm so grateful for food that nourishes my body and makes me healthy. It's God's bounty that is full of energy and life that goes into me to share with you!

5. My BFF - We have been friends for over 30 years and can easily reconnect no matter how much time goes by.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Money and Food

Right now I'm stressed to the max about money. I wish I could feel ok about money so I could attract it to me, but I hate money. Hate that everything comes down to money including health care and the food industry. Don't get me started on those two topics! 

It's easy to say it's not about money when you aren't worried about your mortgage or taxes or utilities or food in your fridge. I want to escape this feeling of worry and anxiety. The problem is my escape has always been food! How do I deal with this flood of emotions without giving in to cravings? I wish there was an easy answer. It feels like I'm in a rowboat in The Perfect Storm! 

Oh wait, I just realized I haven't eaten breakfast yet. Food to the rescue! I wish it didn't have to be like that, but it's amazing how much better I feel just eating a banana and some blueberries. It's an instant mood lifter getting that sugar rush to my brain. Saved from drowning one banana at a time! 

Well, here it is a couple hours later and I ran across a Dave Ramsey video. I think God is trying to tell me something. Dave talks about creating a budget. Just a few days ago I heard a similar speech about menu planning from my plant based nutrition coach. I'm starting to see a pattern here! 

I am even less inclined to create a budget than a meal plan. Fail to plan, plan to fail. Those words are ringing in my ears. Write it down, make it happen. That's my new mantra and it's rattling around in my mind too! 

So, it all becomes a matter of choice. Will I continue to worry and stress about money and food or will I do what I do best, WRITE it down! 


It is now the next day and the stress of yesterday is gone, thank goodness. The best part is I stuck to my plan and didn't eat junk food or binge eat! That's a big win in my books. 

Now that I have calmed down, I realize that I don't hate money. I appreciate what it can do for people. I just don't like what it does to people. 

I almost talked myself out of posting this but I know that the things we hesitate to talk about are the things people can most relate to and can be helped by. So, once again I'm stepping out of my comfort zone and putting it out there. 

If you stress eat because of money worries or haven't had much success with wellness and weight loss, maybe something you discover here will help you on your journey. I don't know about you, but I need all the help I can get when it comes to money and food! 

Kathy G 

This isn't the Dave Ramsey video I watched, but it's the same concept and he even says some of the same things. If you want me to post the video I watched comment below and I will find it! 

Daily Report

1. Clothes that fit.
2. God
5. Dr. Catey - a dentist who volunteers to provide dental care at the local Bridges to Health Clinic for people who can't afford to go to the dentist. Where would we be without caring and generous in the world. Very grateful for people who care. 

B - 32 oz water with lemon, Orange & Banana
L - 20 oz water, Celery & PB, Salad w/salsa
D - 32 oz water, Simdabewea Salad 

50 squats 

Energy Level = 3 

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Are You Ready to Roar?

Have you ever listened to the words of Katy Perry's song Roar? She says, "I am the eye of the tiger, a fighter, a dancer through the fire, I am a champion and you're gonna hear me roar!" I love empowering songs like that. That's why I love music and personal growth books so much, they inspire you to keep fighting the good fight and keep on keeping on no matter what. 

Speaking of fighting the good fight and keeping on no matter what, I am issuing a challenge to myself and invite you to join me. 

I have a sedentary job where I sit for 8 hours a day. Then I often go home and sit another 2-4 hours to write, sometimes longer if I'm working on my website or other online projects (or distractions like email links and Facebook). That's a lot of sitting! I used to not want to sit in wide chairs because I was convinced the wider the chair, the wider my butt became! 

So, I am trying to come up with creative ways to incorporate movement and exercise into my day. One idea is 50 squats a day no matter what. I started doing it yesterday. My plan is to make it as automatic as brushing my teeth. I may add more squats and other exercises as I go along, maybe see how many I can do in a day, that would be a fun challenge. I remember doing so many squats and lunges one time that it was hard to sit on the toilet for a week! As long as my knees cooperate, I'm doing it. Want to join me? 50 squats a day no matter what! 

Kathy G 

Daily Report

Exercise - 50 squats done! 

B - 32 oz water with lemon, blueberries and a banana 
L - 20 oz water,  Subway Veggie Delight Salad 
D - 32 oz water, Steamed broccoli & rice 

Energy = 4
(On a 1-10 scale) 

Gratitude Journal 
1. Time - Time can be my best friend or worst enemy depending on how I manage it.

2. Income - My husband hasn't worked since a devastating fire we had last August that burned our home and business to the ground. Money has been tight, but fortunately I have an extended temp job that is holding us over. My goal is to make a living online so I can be anywhere and still conduct business. I would LOVE to blog for a living and help people from the beach or some cafe in Paris! 

3. My awesome grandchildren - They are one of the main reasons I am on this plant based journey. I want to set a positive example for them and do fun active things with them like flying kites, hiking, traveling, and other fun adventures. That all takes energy to do! 

4. My mom - She is there for me. It's comforting to know someone supports you and your dreams and goals. My mom is my biggest fan and cheerleader. She has a young spirit, great sense of humor and easy smile. We have gone through a lot together and made it to the other side stronger, wiser, bolder, and more courageous. Thanks mom! I love you. ❤️

5. My God-given gifts - It has taken me many years to realize that God gave me the gift of writing to inspire people. I wasted so much time on self-limiting beliefs, such as feeling inferior, inadequate, and comparing myself to the "real" writers of the world, that years have flown by like a super sonic jet with stories untold and songs unsung. It is time to soar like the eagle I am (Oak Hill EAGLE '81 alum). Like Katy Perry, it's the half time performance of a lifetime and you're gonna hear me roar! 

Monday, February 2, 2015

The Game Plan

If you fail to plan, you are still planning. It's called the failure plan! That's the overall message I got from my holistic health coach today. She didn't say it exactly like that, but that's the inference I took away and it really made an impact. 

With all my years of studying personal development, I should clearly understand that if you want to succeed at anything you have to make a plan and then work that plan! 

So why am I so resistant to making a meal plan and sticking with it?! My whatever you want whenever you want it eating plan is obviously not working or I wouldn't be morbidly obese! 

I can see victory stretched out before me, it is so close I can smell it, taste it, feel it, but yet there is an invisible barrier in the form of resistance that has permeated not only my diet but every aspect of my life. Regardless of the obstacles, I am no longer willing to accept mediocrity! I challenge myself to rise up against my past and my fears to become the person God is urging me to be.

I feel this war going on inside me where part of me just wants to go with the flow, not caring about the consequences. The other side knows there is so much more to life when you step outside your comfort zone and when you take care of yourself. Sometimes you have to fight for your freedom, stand up for yourself to yourself.

It's not the menu plan that I resist, I think it's conformity which is something I have rebelled against my entire life. The challenge is to realize that structure and follow through will help me. My plant-based nutrition coach has given me a menu plan but I have subconsciously resisted following it and I haven't followed my own menu plan either. I say I want to be successful with this transition, but my actions have not been consistent with success.

"Rules" have always had to be on my terms or I would rebel and get away from the rule maker as fast as I can. I remember playing a game of Red Rover with my cousins when I was 9 or 10. I didn't feel like they were playing fair, so I refused to play. That's when my older cousin turned to the other kids and angrily yelled, "It has to be Kathy's way or she won't play!" Funny that memory comes to mind as I'm trying to sort through my feelings about menu planning. I have always wanted to be in control of anything that affects my life. I suspect it stems from feeling like I had no control of my life when I was a child.

What I failed to see is that by not controlling my eating plan, I lose control of my health and of my destiny. I will be 52 this month and am quickly realizing that this is a pivotal time in my life. It's the third quarter and the opponent who has come in the form of inconsistency has dominated this game. I will not give up, especially when I know that I can easily win by simply following the game plan! 

Kathy G
Daily Report

I am grateful for...

1. My plant-based nutrition coach, Katherine Nilbrink for giving me some much needed tough love and guidance.
2. Clarity on my plant-based journey.
3. Wisdom to listen to wise council.
4. God's grace and forgiveness 
5. Today - I appreciate today and being in this moment.

B - 32 oz Water, orange
L - 20 oz water, can of Popeye spinach, banana, a few walnuts, raisins, dark chocolate chips 
D - Carrots with pine nut hummus, steamed potatoes 

Energy Level on a scale of 1-10

Sunday, February 1, 2015

The Power of Inertia

This video is fascinating. It shows the power of inertia to effect massive change. One tiny decision to stop eating meat or starting exercising or any positive things we choose to do can change everything and usually does.

Kathy G

Daily Report

Five Things I am Grateful for:
1. My family who is always there for me.
2. Faith - I don't know how I would get through life without God to lean on.
3. Free will - We get to choose our destiny with every thought we think and every deed we do
4. Technology - That enables me to share my thoughts with you!
5. Plant-based mentors who are helping save our health and the world!

B - 32 oz water with ACV (apple cider vinegar), Orange
L - Baked potato and spinach
D - Steamed veggies

Had some chips and horehound herb candy. Not on the plan!

Energy Level
2 - Hibernation mode!

Down 5 lbs!